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The next day, I woke up and saw the black cat from yesterday curled up next to me. I smiled and lightly stroked its back. I got up and got ready for school. I took a shower and as I got out, I saw the cat stretching. He meowed and tilted his head at me. I scratch his head and looked at the time. It was getting late and I started to panic a little. I frantically grabbed everything and looked at him again. He tilted his head at me.

"I'll be back okay, try not to make a mess."

I closed the door and headed my way to class. As I got there, I had like five minutes left til class started. I quickly went to my desk and saw that Mr. Aizawa wasn't there yet. Usually, he would be here when I come but today must be a slow day for him. The bell rang and Mr. Aizawa came in. He had his usual stack of papers and stood at the podium.

"Today, we'll be at the training grounds."

He used the remote to open the sliding doors.

"Get your suitcase and meet me in the training room."

We all got our suitcases and met Mr. Aizawa outside of the training room. All Might was there with Mr. Aizawa which was common. We walked inside and saw that everything was destroyed. We looked at each other confused. Mr. Aizawa started to run towards the destruction.

"Everyone stay there with All Might."

As Mr.Aizawa runs towards the destruction. Everyone was on edge. Kirishima stood next to me.

"This reminds me of the USJ incident."

I looked at him.

"USJ incident?"

"A group of villains attacked us when we were about do to some training. It was the beginning of the year so you weren't here yet."

I nod and everything seemed to be normal but, I felt uneasy like someone was right behind me. I felt the hairs on the back of my neck twitching. I turned around and felt someone holding me. I screamed but the person muffled my mouth and placed a knife around my neck. Luckily All Might turned around and locked eye contact with me.

"Put her down!"

Everyone turned around and was shocked. I tried to wiggle myself out but the guy had a strong grip on me.

"No one comes closer, or I'll slip her throat!"

Everyone stopped moving and I looked at who the guy was. I felt my blood run cold as if I knew who this was. I looked back at everyone and saw Mr. Aizawa run back toward the group.

"You are not going to take her away again!"

Again? What does that mean?

"You're gonna lose her either way!"

(No one's POV)

He laughed and all of the sudden, the wall behind them explodes. As the smoke clears, some cars had people with guns. They started to shoot everyone and everyone took cover. Y/N started to kick and wiggle so she could break loose but the guy had a good grip on her. He walks towards one of the cars and the door opened so he could throw her in. He throws her into the car and one of the men placed a white cloth on her. She started to lose consciousness and passed out.

"Let's go!"

They stopped shooting and ran back into the cars. Aizawa was the first to run toward the cars and tried to reach at least one of the cars.


As he extends his hand, it was too late. He falls onto the floor and clenches his hand.


Come Back to Me (Aizawa x Student reader)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon