20. Bad End Night (NovaHD)

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Dis is MAI ship. Don't judge.

As Aleks ran, he could hear the heavy footsteps behind him. It was utterly tormenting how close they were getting to him. Each step after the other.

He pumped his legs faster, afraid for his life. He could feel his sanity slowly slipping away. Likes James'. He shook off the thought of James and crammed a thicket or brambles aside.

"Oh AlEkS..." The voice said quietly. "i'Ve BeEn WaItInG fOr YoU..."

"Fucking shit!" The Russian thought, feeling his face drain of color and the reality of the situation set it.

He was going to die.

Either of exhaustion or getting murdered, but anyway he was going to die.

But what about Sp00n? And Sly?
Where were they? They had walked off before, leaving him and James. Aleks, being Aleks, decided it was a good idea to leave James alone while he went to get food.

Aleks felt his stomach growl and stumble a bit.

"No time for food now." He thought, pushing away the horrible memory and pressing forward.

Making a sharp left thought the forest, he ducked into an underbrush and held his knees to his chest, breathing heavily.

He dug in his pocket for the berries he picked earlier. He smiles sadly down at them.

A small drop fell upon them softly.

Within minutes, Aleks was full out sobbing. His best friend dead, the other two quite possibly as well.

He had to get out. It wasn't matter of surviving now, it was kill or be killed.

His happy ending would come soon enough.

Grabbing a stick, he took a large rock and began scraping the sides of the brown bark. It sharpened into a point in a matter of seconds.

He grinned sickly at it and stood up, glancing around wildly.

"Come out, you bastard!" He exclaimed. "I'm not afraid of you!"

He heard a low rumble, almost like a laugh.


Aleks sprinted to a clearing where the rumbling was the loudest. He saw a figure, his back facing Aleks.

The Russian grinned wickedly as he crouched down, spear in hand. He walked forward slowly as the figure became more into view. Cookie Monster hoodie? Oddly strange for a murderer to wear.

He quickly sprung up and rushed toward the figure as it turned around. The spear missed its target, and the figure ran off screaming bloody murder with two more.

Aleks growled as he plucked the spear from the tree it got stuck in. He grinned as the chased after the other three.

In the darkness of the trees, a lone shadow waiting giving a slow applause.

"That sure was a good show I put on tonight." It said quietly. Then it picked up the berries and began to cry.


Yes ik it's confusing. Hell, I even confused myself XDXDDD


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