Can't Leave Him [Enji Matsushita]

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I am going off more the manga for the game than the show. I do use some stuff from the show though.

Warnings: swearing, suggestive content, implied sexual content, angst, mentions of torture, suicide, blood

You stood next to Matsushita, holding onto his arm.

"It's been a day and a half and only 18 people..."

"Yeah, doesn't the player requirement seem a bit high?"

You heard murmurs all around. You caught the blonde in the white hoodie staring at you.

Of course you and Matsushita were only playing a part. You acted like two shy and reserved people.

You zoned out a bit at the rules, having heard them a couple of times prior.

"So all we have to do is tell eachother our suits, easy enough!" A boy said enthusiastically. You tried not to laugh, still acting scared. "Enji I don't like this," you mumbled, just loud enough for people to hear you. If they think you're not a threat, the easier this would be.

Rules had been explained, and everyone immediately started getting into groups. Matsushita grabbed your hand leading you out of the room.

"Blue shirt," was all he said. You nodded.


"It looks like you don't have a partner yet... let's work together?"

"We'll tell you your mark... it's safer to have double confirmation."

"That's quite the condescending tone you both have there," the man said, making you both look at eachother.

"That excessive audacity... is it due to some childhood trauma, perhaps?" He said, looking at Enji. "Maybe yours is due to the same..."

"Hey, leave her out-"

"Looking at both of you and your childish demeanor, I know everything."

"You're ashamed of your own darkness and latch onto your jealous. Since you can't be happy yourself, you only find pleasure in the misfortune of others," he spoke towards Matsushita. Your boyfriend stammered, trying to find the right words.

The man turned to you.

"You're always irritated that you're always the victim, maybe not by choice, either way, deep inside of you is powerful self denial," he said, his eyes staring into your own.


"Time never stops, right? You feel that even without you, the world marches on," he finished talking to you, and turned to your boyfriend once more. Your hand found his. This guy was reading both of you quite well. How interesting.

"Those bangs are your territory. It's there to protect yourself from being found insignificant," he started once more. Enji grabbed onto the ends of the hair in front of his face.

More stammering.

"The best you can do is build a wall around yourselves to gain just a little bit of security."

"You're both so desperate in your infantile narcissism you try to console yourselves by placing the blame and looking down on others. Such absurd and lowly humans. Yes I'm talking about you," he insulted. His voice was even and sharp, and it scared you a bit. Both you and Matsushita acted a bit scared of him, stammering and mumbling slight answers to him. This might backfire. However, you knew your boyfriend was getting some sort of twisted pleasure out of this. And you weren't going to lie, so were you

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