chapter 2 🌱

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heizou pov:

"If you wanna kiss me

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"If you wanna kiss me..."

"I might let you." I smirked.

I looked at Scara who was flabbergasted, and fumes were coming out of his head. "Ugh whatever, let's just go, I already paid for the drinks anyway." He said as she stood up and walked out the door. "Hey, wait up!" I yelled out as I swung my backpack over my shoulder and headed out as well. "Scara!" Scara stopped as I stopped as well to catch my breath. "Tired there, pretty boy?" He smirked. "You're just a fast walker." I panted. I looked at him. "I told you, if you wanna kiss me, I might let you." I smirked at him. He suddenly walked towards me as my face heated up. Walked a little too close. "Alright, go on." He said. "E-Eh?" He continued walking towards me as I backed away. I suddenly hit the wall as he pinned me so I can't move. Our faces were inches apart.
"Just kiss me already." He said.

I wrapped my arms around his neck as he grabbed my waist. Scara then brought me closer to him as he closed the gap in between us. He kissed me for a moment as we pulled away to catch our breath. "Are you okay?" He asked and I nodded. "Flustered already?"

"HUH!?" I yelled out. Scara laughed as he flicked my nose. "Shall we head somewhere else?" He asked. I nodded in embarrassment.

We held hands as we both walked together to an arcade. "Hey are you good at VR games?" I asked him.

"Hell no, but Ei is way worse." He laughed. "Heh, well then I'm gonna beat you at Beat Saber." I smirked at him.

"Okay then, winner has to leave a kiss mark on the loser's neck." Scara said. "That's such a stupid bet." I said awkwardly as I then put on my VR mask and Scara did the same. "Hope your good with Expert+ mode." I said. "HUH!?" Scara yelled but I just laughed as it started. Scara got flabbergasted as he was struggling. Bad. Real bad. I laughed as I watched him lose.

A couple minutes passed and I eventually won. "HAH! Scara are you really THAT bad at Beat Saber?" I laughed at his face as I look off the mask. "Ugh, shut it already!" He snapped back at me. I continued to laugh as he just turned flustered. "Well, you know the rules. I won, Scara." I smiled. "Ugh." He groaned. "Whatever. If you're gonna do it, just do it already." He muttered as he pulled down his collar a little bit. Oh shit I forgot about this part...

I walked toward him as I was about to but withdrawed. "OH MY LORD, WHAT AM I THINKING!? I CAN'T DO THIS!" I yelled out, shaking his shoulders. "Just do it quickly, then!" Scara replied. I got mega flustered as fumes came out of my head. "I... I can't do it... theres too many people around....." I muttered. Scara used his eyes to look around. "Nobody is watching right now." He said. I looked at him as I let out a sigh. My lips went towards his neck as I pressed them against it but did nothing.

I let go as I leaned my head on his shoulder. "Why did you stop?" He asked, confused. "I can't do it, it feels weird..." I muttered as I grabbed onto his sleeve.

"Tch. You coward." He scoffed. I just went mega flustered and burried my face into his shoulder.

"Why the hell are you like this Heizou..." He
asked me as he let out a sigh.

"Ugh, whatever let's just go home or something." He scoffed as he took my head off his shoulder. "Wait Scara!" I said as I grabbed his arm. "What?" He asked. "Do you wanna see a movie?" I asked him as he then nodded in response. I smiled in return as I held his hand and walked towards the theater. We walked in and it was nice and warm. "It's starting to get cold, huh? Luckily it's warm in here." I said.

Scara let out a "Mhm" in response. Scara was shivering for sure. I took off my hoodie and put it on Scara. "You're gonna get cold." I smiled, but he gave it back. "The hell are you doing, you're gonna get sick again." He said. "Don't worry, I'll put it on once we get back outside when the movie's done." I said. Scara nodded in response as we both headed inside and took our seats as later the movie started.

Scara gotten tense as there were romantic scenes. "Why the hell are we watching this, again..?" He muttered. "What? I heard that this movie was hella good." I replied. "It makes me wanna throw up." He muttered through his teeth as he looked away from the screen. I laughed a little as I then felt something on my hand. Scara put his hand on top of mine. I slid my fingers in between his, interlacing them together.

Scara blushed madly as he then threw my hoodie on top of it. God, is this foreal? Am I dreaming?

What the actual hell is going on right now? I was so flustered that I couldn't even pay attention to the rest of the movie.

The movie then ended as Scara gave me back my hoodie, then we headed out.

The snow was falling down as the streets were filled with people having fun or talking to each other. "Wow... it's so beautiful out!" I exclaimed. "Y-" Scara didn't finish as he sneezed into his arm. "Are you alright?" I asked him. "I'm fi-" Scara sneezed again. I took a handwarmer out of my pocket and activated it before giving it to Scara as it then made his hands warm.

"Warm now?" I asked as I gave him a kiss on the forehead. Scara just nodded in embarrassment. "Can we head home now? It's getting pretty late..." Scara muttered. "Of course, let me call Kujou Sara." I said, reaching into my pocket and finding my phone. I dialed her number and put the phone to my ear. About thirty minutes later, Kujou Sara came and me and Scara both hopped into the car.

We drove to Scara's house as Sara stopped the car and I walked Scara out. "Have a good sleep, Scara." I said as I gave him a hug. I was about to walk back to the car as I felt him grab my arm. "Huh? What is i-" Scara grabbed my face and slammed his lips onto mine before pulling away shortly afterwards. "Thank you for today, Heizou." He smiled a bit. I smiled as well. I'm glad that he had a great time.

"Goodnight Scara, I'll see you at school." I said as I went back to the car and saw Scara ring the doorbell as his mom let him in.

I buckled up my seat belt as Sara began to drive us back home.

"So, you really do love him." She smiled. "HUH!? YOU SAW ALL THAT!?" I yelled.

"Of course I saw all of it, kiddo." Kujou Sara laughed as I just blushed from embarrassment. Goddamnit...

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