Chapter 41-Prepared, Yet Scared

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Confusion settles in like a parasite, it burrows into my emotions, deeming it the first for me to detect, creasing my brows together, I blink once again, unsure if I was hallucinating "Rose" Thomas whispers, elevating a trembling hand towards my cheek, his gentle skin caresses my own, fireworks explode within my chest, causing my heart to sputter in it's pace "Thomas?" I question again confusedly "Love", I turn my head to the right, locating Newt gazing at me in relief "Newt?" I huff out "sleeping beauty's awake", directing my gaze beyond Thomas, I find Gally and the entire group. Allowing my gaze to swallow my surroundings, I realize I'm in an unfamiliar room "what happened?" I question Newt, redirecting my attention towards him, nausea bubbles in my stomach, my bones ache with fatigue, trauma lingers around my frame "you had another attack" Newt informs me "that would explain why I feel like klunk" I quip feebly, the two boys hovering over me chuckle lightly, both of them encasing their hands around both of my own, my heart swells at their affectionate gesture "where am I?" I probe curiously as I attempt to rise from my reclined position "woah, easy". Both boys rush to my aid, Newt wraps a thoughtful hand around my waist whilst Thomas steadies me with a hand upon my shoulder, both of them ensuring I was fit to sit upright, I clench the fabric if Newt's shirt, blinking rapidly as vertigo warps my vision briefly, I realize I'm reclined upon a wooden tabel "this is basically Mission Control, this is where we've been planning our attack on WICKED" Gally replies, I send him a bitter glare, begrudgingly allowing his words to enter my head "how long have I been out?" I investigate "about an hour now". My wide orbs display shock towards Newt, detecting the warm embrace of the Sun upon my back, I whirl my head, I investigate the Sun in it's low position in the sky, ready to grant a farwell for a completed day "did you guys already go on your mission?" I probe worriedly, redirecting my attention towards the boys "nah, couldn't just leave you here while we had all the fun" Thomas quips, I send him a small smile "thanks for that" I thank them, without much warning, I push myself off the table, both of the boys are swift to mirror me. Ensuring to sustain their grip upon me as I wobble slightly, my hand tightens around Newt's shirt, fearful I may collapse once again, but I steady myself and my feet relish in the familiar weight of my entire body upon them once again, noting the worried gazes of the boys, I send them an assuring smile, taking a small step forward, I escape from their protection, depending upon my own strength once again, allowing my hand to relinquish Newt's shirt, I securely stand on my own, sending Newt and Thomas a thrilled smile, I cheerfully take another step. Blithe to once again be on my feet "now then, when are we leaving?" I probe, whirling towards the two boys, prepared for the expedition, they gawk at me "no offense, Love, but are you mad? You just woke up from a bloody comma and you still want to go on the mission?" Newt bites lividly "sounds about right" I reply nonchalantly, placing my hands upon my hips as I sway them around arrantly "no, under no circumstances are you coming with us, Rose" Thomas orders me, I orbit my optics towards them both "I'd like to see you try to make me stay". Glaring at both of them, I subtly challenge the two boys, understanding they would swiftly submit to me "we're just trying to look out for you, Rose, the closer we get to Minho, the more violent these attacks are gonna get, and we can't risk you getting one while we are on the mission, not only will we be distracted by worrying about you, you will risk blowing our cover" Thomas attempts to reason with me "we both know you guys are gonna be distracted worrying about me whether or not I stay", they remain silent. Understanding I'm correct "and yes, I may get another attack, but I'm also the only person who can figure out which building, floor and room Minho's in" I argue "I'm going, and that's that" I verdict fiercely, glaring towards them to terminate any further debates, complacent with their cowering expressions, I whirl my attention towards Gally "when do we leave?" I probe, glaring towards him abhoringly "when the Sun sets, we'll be better covered at night" he replies "we'll be going through an old sewer system that'll lead us right beneath the City" he continues "pack your bags, Boys, we're off to save Minho". Sighing wearily, I peel off my jacket and abandon it on a chair that resides in a far corner, adjusting my ivory shirt as I turn towards the rest of the group, Gally tosses Newt a spare, maroon coat "here you go, Shank", nodding in gratitude, Newt swiftly slides off his tan jacket as I stroll towards him, my lengthy steps filled with conviction "I'll take this" I whisper softly, encasing my fingers around the silken fabric "thanks, Love", I nod, setting Newt's original jacket alongside mine before walking back towards him, benevolently adjusting the new coat upon his frame. "I kinda like this color better on you, goes better with your skin tone" I laugh weakly, smoothing out the crinkled edges, I detect his gaze locked upon me "you sure you're up for this, Love?" He questions me, his voice laced with concern "if all goes wrong, I'll have you to protect me" I reassure him tenderly as I brush a stray strand of blonde out from his vision, he takes my hand into his own, that's when my gaze meets his, his orbs vainly exhort me to reconsider "I hope it won't come down to that".

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