~The whispers and people around~Chapter 6

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"~You don't deserve to live~" I hear the whisper say, I been hearing it for a while now and it won't go away, I look over to see Jaxx and I couldn't help but blush, I been mad at him and here I am falling for him all over, I can't let love get to me though, because I will lose focus and may lose him agin, and I would be lost and alone, "He hates you~", " kill yourself~" the whispers keep repeating, "Sora are you okay? " I herd Jaxx said, I guess I didn't realized that I stopped walking, "yeah, I'm fine" I say as I continue walking, A zombie came out of nowhere and we had to take them down, as we kept walking we herd footsteps.

"Do you hear that? " Jaxx says looking around, "yeah, it might be another Zombie" I said as we kept walking I feel a hand over my mouth, my vision went blurry and I couldn't see anything, Next thing I know I'm in a concrete room next to Jaxx, "what happened" I asked looking at him. "Turns out we were Kiddnap" Jaxx said. I look over I was handcuffed to a pole and Jaxx, while he was handcuffed to a pole as well, "I told you to not handcuff them like that you idiot" a voice says, "Sorry, I just wanted to try something new! Said a another voice, the first voice looked at us and walked over, " you should not be in that part of the woods, that's were they were coming from. "

"Why are we here! " Jaxx said. "Well damn we just saved you and we don't get a thank you" the second voice said, "we don't even know you" I say glaring the two, "Oh, well I'm Clover, boom now we know each other" Clover said, "I'm Mikey" they say as they  took the handcuffs off that handcuffed Jaxx and sora together, "I'm sorry for her ignorance" Mikey said as they put the handcuffs in there bag. "HEY" clover said highly offended, just then another person runs in the base with guns, handcuffs, tasers and other weapons, "I robbed a police station" the person says, "isn't it still illegal??? " Clover asked, "there dead so I won't get caught" said the third one. "Oh god there is three of them" Sora said rolling his eyes, "Who are these guys-?" I hear the voice say. "Umm I don't know, we just Kiddnaped them because they were in danger" Clover says looking at them. "So... then maybe technically that's not kidnapping?" Mikey said

Mikey stepped closer to the two then blurted out,"Hold a damn second. Aren't them two the duo on that perky Inquisitormaster channel? What the fuck dude." Clover and midnight look over and Midnight says "I'm gonna shoot myself outta shock"."They look gay"Clover said looking at them, " because they are gay you dumbass" Mikey said rolling there eyes. "Let's us go! " I said glaring at them. "This one is cute but seems like a bitch" Clover said glaring back. "HEY" Jax and sora both yelled, then the door opend, "Get in there and stay quite" A voice said as they push charli in there. "Charli?! " I say looking up at her, "You guys! " she said, I noticed she still was a little sad.  "So yall think you can kidnap people- without me!?! I feel betrayed! Midnight said doing a dramatic pose, " well you did run off to rob a police station " Clover said sharping a knife. "Charli, if your still upset from earlier, I'm sorry" I say as a wave of guilt washed over me, then the voice came back "this is your fault you asswhole~" I tried ignoreing it it's just to loud

"It's not that sora, It's Alex..... " charli said starting to tear up. "what happened! " Jaxx said looking at her. "This some spicy drama" Clover said looking at them, "Alex and I went out to find food and then we was attacked, it was already to late when I found her and she was a zombie, I had to kill her and I wish I could have saved her" charli said looking down, "yeah but then you got kidnapped by Zoe" Clover said handcuffing charli to a pole. "

"Welp that one way to put it" Mikey said. "So then were is Luca and light? I asked,  " I don't know... " Charli said. "We have to find them! " I say trying to pull away from the pole. "Even after what they did to you?! " Jaxx said. "There my friends, and I forgive them" I say looking over at Charli, I noticed that she started to tear up. "should we let em go?" Clover said looking at the three. "Already on it" The other three said as they took the handcuffs off sora, Jaxx and Charli. "Now let's go find the other two" Sora said. "They don't want you, they hope you die~" The whisper said again" . "You good Sora?" Jaxx said as he and Charli looked concerned. "Yeah.... I'm fine" I say as we leave the building. Jaxx and Charli put a hand on each of lines shoulder. "We will find them don't worry." Charli said. "Let's hope they survive until then" I say looking at the sunrise, It still looks dark during the day, "Do you think the sky will ever be bright again? " I ask. "Only god knows. " Jaxx replied

°Last of daylight°~Squad zombie apocalypse AUTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang