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This is a sort of hurt/comfort read with some description of injury! <3

The sound of footsteps brought you back into consciousness, you blinked away what felt like dust in your eyes, and as your gaze met Donatello's you found yourself feeling a sharp pain surrounding your right eye along with a striking feeling on your leg that quickly turned to intense pressure.

Donatello began to sit you up, leaning your head onto his shoulder. As you took a better look around you realized that he was squatting down which meant you were on the ground, he put an arm around you and stabilized you by holding you close. As your stare hit the ground close to you, you realized that there was a huge piece of rubble lying on your leg. You quickly attempted to pull away from the rubble before realizing it would only tear your skin further, you let out a yelp as you felt the rough surface of the rubble scratch your skin.

"Careful!" Donatello screamed, he looked down at his phone and began to speak loudly, wobbling you around without realizing it. "Leo! I NEED you down here!" He tightened his grip on you, stabilizing you.

You heard some muffled talking over his phone speaker, you placed your palm down to your side to attempt to hold yourself up before slipping back onto Donatello, leaning on his shoulder.

"Don't!" He brought himself forward to face you. "I need you to understand that you are injured." He seemed to have a touch of poison on his tongue, his voice sounded angry but you couldn't understand why.

"I'm sorr-. hhk!- y?" You coughed out an apology, feeling like your lungs weren't prepared for the air that filled them.

"Don't- please." He put his phone down, seemingly hanging up on Leonardo. "I'm sorry, I'm just worried for you." He let a frown creep onto his face, you shook your head still feeling confused.

"Mission... went well?" You spat, shivering.

"We did great, but at some point, the building began to fall and you got caught- and-" He blinked rapidly before tightening his grip on your arm.

As he restarted his sentence you felt your face flush with a sudden frigid wind, you felt your body stagger further onto Donatello and you seemingly lost consciousness.

As you came to once more, you found yourself with a cast on your leg and bandages around your forehead. You took a look around to see that you are definitely in Donatello's room. You sat up and looked to your left to see an IV in your arm. You thought about calling out to someone but sunk into the bed feeling the defeat crawl over your half-numb body. After a moment or two of sulking, you took a look at one of the digital clocks on your right to see it read "4:37 AM" You frowned and wondered if Donatello let you take over the bed. You tread over to the edge of the bed, leaning on the wall to find your way to the door.

As you parted the curtains, you looked out to see Raphael and Michaelangelo talking in the center of the lair. "Hey-" You called out, your voice croaking into a whisper. Michaelangelo immediately turned to you, tugging on Raphael's arm, leading him to you as well.

"You're not supposed to be out of bed!" Raphael exclaimed, Michaelangelo grabbed your arm and brought it over his shoulders, giving you space to lean on him.

"I'm okay... I think" You suddenly took notice of the bruising around your arms. "Where's Donnie?" You sprung up.

"Probably with Leon in the lab, C'mon he'll be excited to see you're awake!" Michaelangelo lead you to the lab, as much as you didn't want to admit it, Michaelangelo's help really made walking easier.

Once you made your way through the doorway, you realized Donatello had his back to you and he seemed to be working on some chair.

"Dee?" You called out. Leonardo sprung up from your right and squealed in excitement.

"You're okay!" Leonardo clamored, Donatello turned around to see you with a dumbstruck expression.

Donatello put down his tool and let his goggles rise up to his head, his eyes suddenly glossed over filling with tears, He gently put his arms around you and gave you a tight squeeze. He let his head fall onto your shoulder and you could feel his hefty breath as he held back wails. Michaelangelo let you go a bit, still staying within range to catch you, Donatello picked you up quickly and put you down on a couch close to the chair he was working on. The other three turtles took their leave to give you some space.

"I was so scared." He whispered, crouching down to your level. "I was afraid you wouldn't wake up, I was scared you could have crushing syndrome and-" Tears flew down his cheeks, dampening his bandana. He stopped himself and took a good look at you "Did you hook yourself off the IV?" He tilted his head.

"Uhm, yes I'm sorry Dee" You blinked, wrapping your arms around his neck and untying his bandana. "You look so tired." You uttered, noting his deep eye bags.

"I've been working since we got home.." He blinked away some leftover tears.

"Which was.. when?" You puffed your chest.

"Uhm, almost 24 hours ago." He smirked but his eyes read disappointment.

"I'm awake now." You muttered. "I'm here. Let's rest, okay?" You cleared your throat.

"I need to finish work.." He mumbled, barely going over a whisper. He began to turn his attention to the chair before being pulled back by you.

"I don't want to be alone right now." You sniffled, not being able to hold back your own tears.

His face softened at the sight of you. "I'll stay.." He pulled over an IV from a closet nearby and clamped up the liquids before hooking them up to you.

He brought over a blanket and a pillow to put on you, he adjusted you before laying down next to you. He faced you while turned on his side, he let a smile grow on his face.

"What?" You mutter.

"I'm happy." He responds almost immediately, leaning his forehead against yours as gently as he could.

"I don't know fully what happened to me." You began, grabbing onto his hand for support. "I just feel so off, I don't feel like me right now." You let some silent tears flow down your cheeks.

"I know, but I'll make you all better, I promise you!" You noted a look of determination on his face, he wasn't considering probabilities or expecting the worst. He expected to nurse you back to health, perfectly. Donatello had given you the simplest, yet a most needed piece of reassurance that was missing. You smiled, bringing his hand close to your chest.

"Thank you, Don." You smiled. "I trust you." You looked behind him to see the chair he was working on, it seemed to be a wheelchair, and it seemed to be modified with some fancy "DonTech" You smiled, quietly thanking Donatello once more, facing him again to see him having already fallen asleep.

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