Captain America and the Winter Soldier part 3

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The van drives into an underground parking lot then stops. I am forced out and then led through several doors that are guarded by two guards at each door. I am scared to death. I know I can very likely die here. Rumlow leads me into a big open room. As I look around I see that there are several people dressed in scrubs and a huge metal chair in the center of the room.

My eyes widen. It's the chair that they put Bucky in. Now I really start to get scared. The door behind me opens and I see Secretary Pierce and Bucky walk in. I lick my lips and swallow trying to find my courage.

Pierce stops in front of me while Bucky stands a little behind him. A gun in his hands.

"They say you're from another universe." Pierce says to me.

I don't say anything. I just glare at him. He smirks at me.

"You don't have to answer. I heard everything you said to Steve in his apartment."

Fuck! I forgot that they had bugged his apartment. But this also works in my favor as well. I smirk at him as well.

"Did I ruin things for you? If so, I'm so sorry." I say sarcastically.

Pierce takes a step back with that same smirk on his face. I hate him.

"You might have. But that all depends on how Steve acts. And if you cooperate."

I cock my head to the side. "And what makes you think that I'll do that?"

"Because you seem like a smart girl who cares about her friends. And if you tell us everything that you know, then maybe, Steve gets to live a little longer. Not much longer, but just a little."

I shrug. "You want to hear how you'll lose? Fine, I can tell you that."

It is then that Rumlow points his gun at my head.

"No, see...I want to know exactly what you know."

I sigh and try to think of something to say. "If you like your housekeeper, make sure she always has her phone with her when she leaves."

Pierce is silent for a moment. "I'll take that into consideration. Now tell me something else."

I turn to Rumlow and grin. "You're going to burn."

Pierce waves his hand and Rumlow lowers the gun. "You know, I figured you weren't going to cooperate first thing."

Rumlow moves behind me. "Sorry, Sweetheart. Nothing personal."

I have a split second to wonder what he means when I feel my body seize up as electricity courses through my body. I scream and fall to the floor. I lay there panting on the floor and look to my side to see that I now have a hole in my shirt where it has been burned away and a huge burn mark on my skin.

I am pulled up and I cry out at the pain and I am led out of the room. Rumlow pulls me into what I can only describe as a cell. He pushes me into it and closes the door. I don't look at him, instead I look back down to the excruciating painful burn on my side. I let out a sob and look around to see if there is anything I can use but there's only a bed and toilet in the cell.

The toilet has one of those sinks on the top of it. I walk over to it and get the water running and stick my hand underneath it. I almost pass out when I touch my cold hand to the burn. I sob again and try to lay down on the bed. I curl up as best I can without causing more pain.

What am I going to do? I wonder as I lay there. No one knows where I am let alone what has happened to me. I close my eyes. A few tears leak out. I may die here.

The next morning, or it could've been a few hours later, I'm not sure. There is nothing to tell me the passage of time here. The door opens and another person walks in. It's not Bucky or Rumlow. They roughly grab me and pull me up. I bite back the pain and am pulled into another room. This room also has a chair in it but it doesn't look like the one in the other room.

This one just looks like a regular chair with straps on it.


I do and my arms and legs are strapped to the chair and a man stands in front of me. He is wearing scrubs.

"Are you ready to talk?" He asks.

I just glare at him. He nods and waves a hand at another man in scrubs. He pushes over a rolling table with a tray on it. There is a syringe and a vial of some clear liquid.

"No Super Soldier Serum?" I quip.

"Do you want the Serum?" The first man asks.

I shake my head. "No thanks."

The second guy fills the syringe and reaches over to my arm.

"HEY!" I yell at him. "Aren't you supposed to disinfect the area first? What kind of shit nurse are you?"

The second guy just glares at me and jabs the needle into me.


The second guy removes the needle and moves away from me. Asshole didn't even wipe away the blood.

"You're all a bunch of sick fucks!" I gasp.

"All you have to do is tell us what we want to know." The first guy says.

I don't say anything and the room is silent. Like they are waiting for something. Then pain. Pain I have never felt. Excruciating pain flared in my body. Every fiber, everything was in pain. It felt like a fire had started in my veins and was now running through my body. I can only scream and jerk in the chair, which makes the pain worse.

Meanwhile the other people in the room just stare at me. I have no idea how long the pain lasts. It feels forever. My voice is hoarse by the time I stop screaming.

"What...was...that?" I whisper. My throat hurts.

"It's a new formula. It activates the pain receptors in the body. We've been working on it for awhile and needed someone to test it on. Congratulations on being our guinea pig." The first guy, the Doctor, says.

My body is still twitching from the pain.

"So can you tell me anything now?" The Doctor asks.

I pant in the chair. "Get...fucked." I whisper.

"Shame." He says as the asshole from before moves back over to me and sticks the needle back in me.

This time the pain lasts longer and at some point I guess I pass out. When I come too, I have the strange feeling of floating. I open my eyes to see Bucky carrying me back to my cell. He lays me down on my bed.

"Bucky." I whisper to him, reaching a hand up to his cheek.

He just looks at me questioningly then leaves. I need water but I can't move. My body has seized up and just breathing is hard. I hope that Steve meets and helps Bucky soon. I also hope that someone realizes something has happened to me. The threat of dying here is becoming a real thing.

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