Chapter 4

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"Your fine, stop struggling."

"It's not like i'm going to hurt you. Unless that's what you want?" William said, cocking an eyebrow.

The thought of that alone made your legs quiver with pleasure,"No William. Don't. Even if I did hypothetically want you to hurt me, we are at work."

You thought you would never get out of that situation, but suddenly you heard,"Y/N, William, I need to speak with you guys in my office.."

You guys walk to Henry's office and make small talk, as if you weren't ever in that awkward situation,"What do you think he needs us for, think we might be in trouble?" William said, smirking.

"For what Afton?" You replied, ignoring what happened all together. Just then, you guys made it to Henry's office and William opened the door.

"After you, darling~" He said seductively, gesturing inside. 𝑊ℎ𝑎𝑡 𝑡ℎ𝑒 𝑎𝑐𝑡𝑢𝑎𝑙 𝑓𝑢𝑐𝑘-?

"Thank you love~" You said back with just as much ✨spice✨ as William had. You could've sworn you saw his face go slightly pink, not noticable though. After you guys were inside, he shut the door and you both sat down in front of Henry.

"Will, i'm changing Y/N's job. And no, you don't get a say in it." Henry leaned forward a little so we could hear him a little better.

"What the fuck.Why?" William replied, annoyed his best friend made the decision without him.

"Because Will, it will be better for both of you. You get an assistant, Y/N gets better pay than his current occupation, and you guys start to get along. My decision is final. No buts" You heard William huff, then sigh in defeat.

"Whatever Henry..What job is he getting?"William asked.

Henry cleared his throat and replied,"He's gonna be your assistant. Hear me out though, he'll get paid better, you guys can get to know each other, and he doesn't have to deal with kids anymore."

William looked at him for a second and sighed,"There's no talking you out of it, is there?"

You giggled and said,"Atleast you get to boss me around. Be grateful."

William looked at you with a serious look,"I bossed you around before. The difference now is you'll see me a lot more than before and I can make you get me coffee."He smirked.

You thought for a second and then replied,"Well- um- dammit I forgot about that. I'll still get to annoy you. Just more." 𝐷𝑎𝑚𝑛.. 𝑠𝑒𝑒𝑖𝑛𝑔 ℎ𝑖𝑚 𝑚𝑜𝑟𝑒? 𝐼𝑓 𝑎𝑛𝑦𝑡ℎ𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝐼 𝑛𝑒𝑒𝑑 𝑡𝑜 𝑠𝑒𝑒 ℎ𝑖𝑚 𝑙𝑒𝑠𝑠...

William chuckled darkly and said,"No you won't darling~ I'll make sure of it." You blushed, and stood up.

"Thank you for informing us Henry, but I have to go, it's-" You checked your imaginary watch and started to speak but someone stopped you.

"It's 3:30 darling." William said, chuckling,"And you don't have a watch."

You blushed, and replied,"I knew that.Well, I have stuff to do."

Henry leaned back in his chair slightly,"Ok Y/N, have a good day, I was about to dismiss you guys anyway. You start being Will's assistant tomorrow."

You smiled,"Ok! Thanks for telling me!" Then leaved.

You lied to Henry and William. You had absolutely nothing to do, you just wanted to sleep. You got home, took off your shoes, and went into your room.

Timeskip brought to you by:Micheal Afton writing fanfics about his father & Y/N⍟

You pulled up to the pizzeria and saw both Henry's car, and Williams car 'They are both here?'You walked in and saw a kid, who you assumed was Charlie, Henry's kid. She waved hi to you and went down the hall to the offices and the part and services room.

You played some arcade games until you decided it was too quiet(45 minutes-ish?)You went straight to William's office and knocked,"Afton, I'm here." There was no answer,"Afton? Hello?I saw your car outside. Dude wtf. If you don't answer I'm going home-"

Just then, you got cut off by someone placing their hand over your mouth,"Do me a favor, and shut the fuck up. We don't want to alert Henry, now do we darling~"

You threw your head back in an attempt to headbutt the person, but they were quicker, they grabbed your hair and clicked their tongue,"Now darling, is that any way to treat your boss?"They whispered, bending to reach your ear.

You mumbled trying to whisper through their hand,"Mmph, Afton?" You squirmed, trying to get out of his grip, but he was stronger.

"Darling~"William whispered in a seductive voice, opening his office door and walking forward, with you still in his grip,"I said be quiet, didn't I? I think I should teach you a lesson." He shut the door behind you guys and slammed you up against the desk facing him, pushing some stuff aside and careful not to make too much noise.

William was about to speak when there was a knock on the door,"Yes, who is it?"he asked, annoyed that he got interrupted.

"William, can you please let me in?" It was Henry, he sounded like he was crying. William got off of you, and walked over to the door before looking at you with a 'Get the fuck up, we don't need to get caught' look. You got off the desk and moved close to the plush couch on the side of the room.

William opened the door and there was Henry, his daughter in his arms. William plastered a worried look on his face,"Henry, what happened?"

Henry started crying more,"C-Charlie, she. Oh God. I think she got one of the robots in the part and services room Will." He said, coughing from how much he was crying.

Timeskip because this is sad and I don't want to be sad anymore⍟

William had called an ambulance, and they took Charlie to the hospital. Henry followed the ambulance in his car, and you and William stayed at the pizzeria to lock it up. You were about to go to the office to get your stuff but William stopped you,"Don't tell Henry love~ If you try... Well I'll just have to kill you."He whispered in your ear before letting you go. You thought for a second,'Thats right... The only people in the building were Me,Henry,Charlie, and... William. He killed Henrys kid?Why? That prick... I should tell the police.. Then why won't I?What the fuck dude. I need to before he kills anyone else. But what if he goes to jail? I don't care.. he's a child murderer.'

(A/N:Sorry for the long delay, i was unmotivated and busy. Ive been working on this for a while, deleting and adding, but i kept forgetting to post it)

𝑌𝑜𝑢'𝑟𝑒 𝑀𝑖𝑛𝑒, 𝐷𝑎𝑟𝑙𝑖𝑛𝑔~Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora