Chapter Seven: Fear

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Georgia reached home on a cloud. The short time she spent with Hayden felt like a virtual lifetime to her. He'd dropped her off at the entrance to her road. Georgia knew her neighbors could be nosy at times and didn't want to have to explain to her parents why she'd been dropped off by a gorgeous young man driving a black sports car. Hayden had been sweet. He'd walked over to her side and let her out. He promised again that they'd talk more soon and she believed him, looking forward to it like a kid waiting for Christmas. She'd felt an overwhelming urge to hug him goodbye but fought it and let him leave with a sigh to herself as he drove away. She knew deep down this wasn't normal.

People didn't feel this enamored after only knowing someone for two days. Yet, she did. She thought over the last few years of her life, trying to understand what it all meant. Her two short lived previous forays into dating were enough for her to think she didn't need to have a boyfriend right now. She'd carried on with her life effortlessly after they'd ended and never felt the slightest inclination to be with anyone after. Her mom used to tease her about being so fiercely independent that she didn't need a man. She'd believed her then. Now she wondered if it was actually her dad who had it right all along. He'd say she wasn't weird for not wanting a boyfriend, she was just being selective and waiting for the right one to come along.

Thinking she didn't need a guy had been a good feeling, one that spurred on her desire to be independent. Now she wondered if it was all just an illusion and she'd simply never met a guy she wanted this much. Walking into her house with her mind consumed with thoughts of Hayden, she felt like a lovestruck teenager for the first time. It was an oddly unsettling thought too. It was more. She desired him and wanted him but collectively, these things made her almost need him. Another thought crept into her mind. As good as it was to feel this way about someone, it made her feel vulnerable too.

If Hayden could make her feel this excited, it also meant he had the power to make her feel the opposite. In the space of two days, he'd already shown her how elated he was capable of making her feel, but also how rejected too. A part of her told her this was a bad thing and should be a real concern, but right now she just couldn't bring herself to worry about it. Right now all she felt was the elation side, and that side made her feel like any low was worth feeling this high. God this is crazy. Are you actually falling in love with him after two days, Pearce?

The thought was insane. Georgia couldn't answer that question. All she knew right now, was that she felt on top of the world, happy, and more excited than she'd ever been at the prospect of exploring a potential relationship with someone. Forcing herself to push away thoughts of Hayden, she walked around the house. Neither of her parents were home yet. The house was relatively clean and tidy but it smelled a little musty so she opened some windows to air the place. After changing and making herself some toast and a cup of coffee, she sat at the work desk in her room and blitzed through her homework.

The thought of normal things like homework and chores just felt like unnecessary distractions right now. She wanted to get them over with. When she was done, she picked up her phone to scroll through social media when Lisa called.

"Hey bestie," Lisa said cheerfully when she answered.

"Hey Lisa, how's it going?"

She acted casual but inside herself, was caught between wanting to talk about Hayden and wanting to wait and see how things turned out with him first. Lisa seemed oblivious anyway and droned on.

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