Chapter 7: Aftermath

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Wednesday has woken up first, she wakes up in Enid's bed with Enid cuddling her. She had recalled the events that had happened last night.

The dance.

The confession.

The picnic.

The kiss.

The goth girl tries not to move to much, trying to not wake up her roommate. She turns Enid's clock that was on her night stand to check the time, eleven AM. How come she's slept in so late.

She goes to get out of bed, trying to not move that much so she won't wake up Enid. She fails and the werewolf grumbles. "Stop moving!" She mumbles, basically sleep-talking.

"I'm sorry Cara Mia." Wednesday whispers quietly, hoping Enid wouldn't process what she had said, she wouldn't hear the end of it if she did.

"Whatever." The colorful one mumbles again and turns to her side going back to sleep. Wednesday walks over to her side, to see Thing on her desk playing the the desaturated rubick's cube Wednesday had. She gives him a glare, knowing she wouldn't hear the end of it from him either.

The short one gets ready to go out for her daily walk. She goes to shower in her bathroom, a moment later she had come out with new clothes and Enid was awake.

"Wednesday, would you like to go on a date with me? Since it's a Saturday and you know with what had happen I wanted to spend time with you." Enid smiles warmly. "Sure, we can go. Get ready, I don't want to go on a date with someone who smells like sweat and cupcakes." Wednesday teases.

Enid quickly grabs her clothes and goes to her bathroom to shower, Wednesday sits down in Enid's bed waiting for her to finish showering. Enid's phone was left on her nightstand and wanted to snoop in it.

She opens it, to find her wallpaper being a picture of her and Enid, she smirks, not wanting to smile fully. She swipes to open it to find it having a passcode. She tries 1234, since she thought it was Enid, she wouldn't remember anything else other than that. It wasn't it. She tried Enid's birthday, wasn't it either. She goes on a limb and puts on her own birthday, it was correct.

She goes to look around, wasn't familiar with any of this, considering she doesn't even know how to use her own phone. She finds an app she gets interested in, 'Photos'. She pressed it to find a lot of colorful photos, nothing she really cared about. She then went to albums and found an album called "Favorites" she tapped it.

All she saw in that album was pictures of Enid and Wednesday or just Wednesday. The goth was intrigued and kept scrolling, there was a lot of photos but not enough time to scour them all since Enid just came out of the door.

"Enid why do I have so many pictures in your phone." Enid turn to Wednesday seeing she's been snooping and hurriedly takes her phone back. "Wednesday why are you going through my phone!" The lycanthrope yelled out.

"I was curios, then I saw a lot of pictures of me in your favorites album. Speaking of which, you haven't answered my question yet." Wednesday got curios on how she grabbed the phone so violently.

"Well cause I like you, sorry I meant love you." Enid went red in the face, so did Wednesday. "Was the wallpaper set before last night or-" Wednesday was interrupted. "It was set last week."

"Well, thank you for being so honest with me, let's go on that 'date' shall we?" Wednesday stands up being in-front of Enid, her glare does not intimidate Enid, instead, the colorful roommate gives Wednesday a hug. Wednesday being Wednesday, she does not hug back, but does not stop her and becomes even redder than earlier. "Let's go."

They walk outside to the Quad, wanting to stop by Yoko or any of their friends they sat with last night. They see Yoko, talking with Xavier, giggling. "Yoko!! We left early, what happened in the end?" Enid asks excitingly. "Well, there were fireworks outside around an hour after, that's pretty much it!" The vampire answers. Enid nods and turns to Wednesday with a smile.

"So, you together or what?" Xavier asks sternly. "Well, we wanted to bond more together since y'know, were roommates after all and yeah." The werewolf answers so calmly with a smirk. The artist nods calmly.

Enid and Wednesday went on their date, going to the park, then the Weathervane, then to an antique shop. As they were walking back Enid hugs Wednesday. "I love you Wednesday, thank you for this." Enid says while she keeps hugging, she's starts tearing up.

"No need to cry Cara Mia. I love you too." They both turn red as hell. Enid kisses Wednesday in the forehead, she gets flustered.

"You know, you being shorter than me really makes you cute." Enid chuckles.

"Say that again and I'll make sure to cut your legs so we can b the same height." Wednesday says ever so sarcastically. They both end up in their dorm, Wednesday goes to her closet and changes while Enid sits around and plays with her phone for a while.

The colorful roommate gets a text from Xavier.

Xavier: Hey, wanna go hang out at the Mall rn? My treat :)

Enid: Sure!! I'll meet you at the Quad ^^

Enid gets up and grabs her coat. "Where are you going?" Wednesday asks curiously. "Xavier is taking me to the mall! Wanna come?" Enid invites her unlabeled partner, wanting to hang out with her more. "I'm tired. You two have fun." Wednesday suddenly changes tone. "Alright! G'bye, love you!" She heads out the door not even waiting for Wednesday's response.

The room was silent, the only thing that made sound was the ticking clock on Wednesday's wall. There it was again, she felt the irritation coming back after hearing Enid and Xavier were going to the mall. Wednesday wasn't trying to be possessive of Enid, but something about Xavier was just off.

Wednesday didn't think much of it, and went to take a nap. Trying to take her mind off of it.

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