Chapter 22

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"Holy shit." I nod taking the first bite of my burger. "This is good."

"See, coming out with me wasn't that bad." Calum grins and I roll my eyes.

"Only because you are buying."

"So Charlie Moore tell me all of your woes." He a crosses his arms on the table.


"You are stubborn one aye?"

"You didn't make a very good first impression." I take a bite of my fries.

"I thought the free food would make up for that?!" Calum pouts.

"Niall is going to be so pissed when he finds out I am with you." I shake my head, regretting my decision to come.

"So Niall must be the fiancé." Calum nods. "Slowly learning things."

"This was supposed to be my day to breath. I pushed him away so I could be alone today." I run my finger through my hair.

"What did he do? Not put the dvd's in the right case or something." Calum shrugs.

"Can I call you Cal?"

"You do whatever you want."

"Okay Cal, well I found my fiancé in bed with another women." I narrow my eyes at him.

His eyes grow wide, "Shit man. And you are only taking a day for yourself? I feel like you should take the rest of your life apart from him and be with me."

"Cute." I scuff, shaking my head.

"I feel like there is more to the story."

"It ended up being all a set up, by his drug dealer."

"Wow your life is fucked up."

"Thanks for reminding me."

He grins at me and I can't help but grin back.

"Why are you looking at me like that?" I give him a weird look.

"You say this Niall would get pissed if he found out you hung out with me today?"

"Very pissed." I nod.

"Then we have to make it worth while then." His grin turns into a big toothy smile as he pulls me from the restaurant.


"Drink a beer." Harry urges me with a drink in my face. "Nothing is going to go wrong dude we are at your house and the only people here are you and I."

I hesitate but take the drink from his hand.

"One drink."

"You need to loosen up. She is coming back tomorrow and everything will be fine."

"You know I have been thinking." I start and Harry groans. "What if Charlie leaves me at the alter?"

"She is not going to fucking leave you at the alter."

"I mean I would." I shrug. "I have put her through so much shit and it honestly makes no sense that she is still with me."

"Yeah well love doesn't make much sense ever, really." Harry looks down at his drink, running his finger over the top of the bottle.

"How is that Mariah girl you are with?" I bring up.

"Mia." Harry scuffs with a grin. "Her name is Mia."

"Right Mia. How is she?"

"She is great." He nods with a smile. "I really like her."

"I am just glad you are pinning for Charlie anymore."

"You know we have never really talked about that." Harry shrugs.

"What is there to talk about?"

"You know I found her first."

I begin to laugh at the conversation. "Did you call dibs too?"

"I am just saying I want to know why she picked you over me." He takes a drink. "In all honesty we all knew you were a dick to Charlie in the beginning."

"This is very true." I nod in agreement.

"Okay so then why would she want to deal with that. What girl would want to deal with a dick as a boyfriend."

"You know that fucking dumb book the perks of being a wallflower?" I question.

"Uh yeah?" Harry gives me a weird look.

"And that dumb line 'we accept the love we think we deserve.'?"

"Okay yeah."

"That's really all there is to it. I was such a douche bag and everyday I wish I could go back and just love Charlie like she needed to be loved. Because she deserved to be loved so much but she didn't think she did and that made me think I didn't even need to try."

"You are way nicer than you make yourself out to be, ya know?" Harry grins and I just glare at him.

"Only when it comes to Charlie. Everyone can fuck off for all I care."

"You are one of the most loyal and caring people I have met." Harry nods slowly. "Especially when it comes to Charlie."

"She is the one that makes everything okay."

"You need to tell her these things. She might realize how great she actually is."

Putting Together the Puzzle: A Dark Niall Horan FanFictionWhere stories live. Discover now