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(A/n:- The picture is not mine

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(A/n:- The picture is not mine. I took it from Pinterest now don't come killing me at the doorstep. It's just they are too adorable together I can't help but share.)

Jungkook dusted his bed and put on the fresh bedspread. He patted his palms over it a few times and tucked the edges beneath the mattress in a perfect manner. He stepped back to look at the square prints design over the bedspread that wasn't perfectly fit in one corner.

He sighed and climbed onto the bed to tuck that in a way all the squares on the bedspread are flawless. He smiled in contentment once he had fixed the problem. He then walked over to the desk and arranged the necessities over it.

Pens in one stand and pencils in the other.

Notebooks of similar size in one stack and textbooks in the other stack are arranged according to his timetable and usage.

He furrowed his brow as he saw a crumbled tissue paper over Jimin's desk. He quickly picked it up and threw it in the dustbin. With a soft sigh, Jungkook walked over to his cupboard and picked a pair of night clothes that were dried and pressed by his butler before he packed them.

He loved the symmetry of his clothes and the soft fluffy slippers that matched his attire. He skipped his way to his bed happily and laid over it carefully not to disturb the square design. He looked over to the other side where Jimin slept with his back facing him.

"Mimi?" He called out softly but only got soft snores in response.

He pouted and took out his phone to look at the time. The screen flashed bright with 21:58 over it. He sighed and ran his thumb over the screen.

There are still two minutes and he doesn't know what to do for the next two minutes.

"Why are you apologizing to him, Jungkook?"

"Why the fuck are you apologizing to this bloody fucker, Jungkook?"

Jungkook felt similar goosebumps as the memories flashed in his head. A soft smile plastered over his lips as he remembered Jimin's words.

WRAPPED DOLL | JIKOOK [COMPLETED]✓Where stories live. Discover now