[Chapter 15 who are they...?]

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It's been a few months since I started training in the Tashio era. It's time for my weekly return to my time to check on things and catch up on school work.

"(Y/n)! Please be safe in your time! Don't forget to practice while you're away!" Mitsuri smiled, waving me off.

"I want you to practice total concentration breathing even when you're sleeping. I can tell the difference if you haven't and if I notice I'll make you run from sunrise to sunset!" Obanai scolded, crossing his arms before loosing up and giving a small sad look. "Come back soon okay."

I smiled and tossed my bag over my shoulder and flushed as I gave them a quick hug. They both turned a light pink shade and I just waved running to the master's estate. When I got there I was greeted by the master's children. They were always so happy to see me. The eldest two led me the way to the master while the black haired son and his sister each held one of my hands pulling me behind their sisters while the other youngest walked behind me smiling. They opened a door and it revealed the master smiling kindly as he was writing something down and his wife smiling kindly next to him.

"Master, I have returned." I smiled as I bowed to him and so did his children.

"Hello My child, are you returning home once more?" He smiled as he gestured for me to get closer. I smiled and was sitting at the table now the master put a hand to my face kindly.

"Yes Master, I promise to bring you and the Madam gifts along with your children." I replied as he still smiled.

"I see we look forward to it, may the gods bless you, my child." He waved as I Left the room and headed back to my time period, closing the door. When I opened the door again it was dark and the moon was out. I walked out of the old dojo and back into my house. I set my back pack with a wooden sword sticking out on the ground.

"Mooom! Grandpa im back!!" I shouted than saw gray hair on the usual spot it was always at.

"(Y/n) is that you?" The old voice croaked back.

"Hello grandpa." I said plainly rolling my eyes.

"(Y/n), is that you? Been a while since you came back. Have you been using protection like I told you to?" His grandpa laughed until he dry heaved.

"Haha funny grandpa now where's my mom." I asked and he just coughed.

"He's taking the late shift at work. She'll be back by morning." He said as he used his cane to get up. He was wobbly so I helped him up. "I have something to show you. I found it while I was digging in the attic." He said as he walked to his room. I was confused and he came out with a box.

"What's that, Gramps." (Y/n) said as his Grandpa dumped what was inside out on the counter. There were photos in black and white some stained and some painted. Letters that seemed to be a conversation between 3 people. The letter was stained and ripped but it had water droplets in it as if someone cried reading it. And in the center of it all was a family picture with a broken frame. There was a man with his face blurred out with stains and grime from time and next to him was a woman dressed in traditional Chinese clothing with a sad expression and two children smiling.

"What's all this grandpa?" I asked and grandpa licked his dry lips and spoke.

"Well this is our ancestor the first one to do the breathing and this is his wife she was a Chinese immigrant but that's all I know. We probably don't have much of her blood if not any of her blood anymore from it being bred out throughout the years. These are their two children that one is your great great great great grandfather's grandpa. And the other one I don't remember how he is related to us anymore but he is." He explained.

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