Chapter 16: Such Young Kids

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Jake has experienced death a great number of times.

Back when he was human, before he lost feeling in his legs, he would go to war for his country. He saw a lot of death there. He was the reason for a lot of death too.

Then, when he came to Pandora he thought that would change. He was supposed to just be the messenger. That was it. Nothing dangerous, nothing deadly, just the man of reason.

But then he fell in love with Pandora. He fell in love with the freedom it provided, and he fell in love with Neytiri.

More deaths happened because of him. Because he changed sides. Because he wanted to protect Pandora and it's people instead of destroy it. War happened, and with it death.

Grace, Trudy, Tsu'tey.

However they won. They won and he forced the sky people back, now finally being able to be a Na'vi, a true Na'vi with his lover Neytiri.

And with his new life, he befriended so many people. His new life had begun and his only purpose was to be a good husband and eventually a good father.

He grew up, as did his friends. He had kids of his own, but death still followed. It started with Illa'oke after she gave birth to a baby girl. And once the sky people returned, it happened again with Nilar.

With all the death he has seen though, he has never, never, felt this terrified before.

Running towards the beach with Neytiri hot on his heels after Kiri ran home yelling that Esmyrie got hurt, his heart beating inside of his chest in concern.

He has one promise in life. Protect the ones he loves. Protect his kids. Protect his wife.

He is starting to think that making promises isn't his thing, because when he gets to the beach, his feet stop in their tracks. He failed to keep a promise.

There was a group of boys, Ao'nung being one of them, yet they looked hurt. Bruises on their faces, some having black eyes. A fight broke up.

And then, he sees it.

Neteyams body shaking in worry as his hands put pressure on the girls side. Lo'ak, tears streaming down his face, his hands messing with the girls hair, which is now a light pink instead of white from the blood. Lo'ak shaking the girls head, mumbling prayers to Ewya to have the girl awake.

Jake is running towards his son's and the girl in a second, crouching down to where Neteyam is.

"What happened?"

Jake has had one promise for his brother. Keep her safe. Take care of her. It is a father's job to protect, and he can't even do that.

"Knife... The knife... My knife." Neteyam breathes out, standing up and moving to the side, his hand wiping at the sweat on his forehead, smearing blood there instead.

"Okay.. Neytiri let Ronal know what has happened. I'll take her to their tent!" Jake yells out, Neytiri immediately follows orders and runs with Kiri to let Ronal know what has happened.

Jake puts pressure on the wound, moving her to the side to see that the knife is still there.

"Oh no." Jake mumbles and in that moment he feels like he has traveled back in time.

It's so similar to Nilar's incident. The only difference is that Nilar was awake. But the blood on his hands, it feels the same. The wound is so close to the exact same location as Nilar's.

The way his heart immediately drops out of his chest when he realizes death is gripping onto the girl, trying to drag her away from them. It's the same feeling, and death succeeded with Nilar, he will be damned if he lets it drag Esmyrie too.

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