❤️Raph x Shy!Bullied!Reader[r]

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Thank you to mgmendez2305 for the request!

Male reader

Disclaimer - Mentions of bullying, cursing, and OOC Raph.


[Second-Person POV]

Raph had been thinking about you a lot lately. It had been a a week and a half since you hung out with any of the turtles. April and the boys texted you countless times, and whenever they asked if you were okay, you would respond with a simple "I'm fine".

After 9 days, Raph just became an anxious mess. He's had separation anxiety for years, and while he still had his brothers, and April (not really Splinter) to hang out with, he missed you a lot. He began to think that you got tired of hanging out with him. Maybe he was too clingy, or too annoying. Maybe you would rather hangout with someone more quiet and conserved, like Donnie. Or someone more funny and flirty, like Leo. You might want someone more artsy and energetic, like Mikey. Or you might want someone more chill and funky, like April.

Raph thought that all of them were better fits for you than himself. His anxious overthinking caused him to blame himself. You can't blame him though. He doesn't know much about your personal life. And he especially doesn't know about the things that happen at your school. Not even April knows about that.


Raph had come up with many ways he could apologize to you. He didn't know what he was apologizing for, he just felt like he had to. As he leaped across the buildings of New York, he continued to think of what to say. Some sort of "I'm sorry" and "You're a great person." He wanted to show you how much he appreciated you. And hey, maybe throw in a little confession.

Raph's feelings for you were strong. But he also respected you. If he confessed to you and you didn't like him back, or you don't like men, or something, he wouldn't make you uncomfortable. He would understand. Sure, he would be sad, but it'll be okay.
These are the things he told him self as he jumped from roof to roof. He was so caught up in his thoughts that he almost ran right past your apartment's fire escape. He swiftly swung to the platform, fairly quiet for his large size.

He tried to take a peek through your window. Not in a weird way, he just wanted to see if you were there. His plan failed when he realized the window curtains were closed. But he could still see the light shining through the fabric.

He gave your window a soft knock. When no one answered he gave it a more assertive knock. Still no answer. He started to worry. Were you okay? Could you just not hear him?

He knocked one more time and waiting a few seconds. When there was no answer, he decided to try and open your window. He attempted to open it regularly, but his plan was thwarted when he realized it was locked. He looked at the platform of the fire escape to see a stray bobby pin. Just his luck. Raph wasn't skilled at lock picking. He never believed that it was the best idea, as it wasn't polite. But he did vaguely remember one time when Donnie tried to teach him. Just in case. He tried to hold onto the memory as he stuck the bobby pin in the small lock on your window. He twisted it, following the instructions that he recalled Donnie explaining to him. Once he heard the small Click of the lock, he let out a small and short squeak of happiness.

After his mini celebration, he put on his (extremely cute) serious face. Business time. He slid open your window, as soft as he could. The quiet squeaky sound caught him off guard. He faintly shushed the window as he climbed in, holding the window curtains away from him. Once he landed in your room, he quickly scanned around until his eyes landed on you, your back facing him.

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