41 adventure

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**Riley's POV**

We got to Denny's and Trevor mas his girlfriend Lilly just got their. "hey" Trevor said and hugged me."this is Lilly my girlfriend" she smiled" hey and this is Hayes,Trevor you have already met him so Hayes Lilly, " I said they smiled and we went into dennys got a booth and talked. Trevor and I have been best friends for like ever. "I also remember that time you decided that you were going to throw me in the huge mud puddle"I said everyone started to laugh.

**skip lunch**
"I had a great time" I told Trevor he nodded" yeah now lets hope Lilly did" he said "well if she didn't don't blame me." I said he smiled and hugged me. "it was nice meeting you Lilly" I told her. "like wise" she said "I'll call the cab this time" hats said he pulled out his phone and called a cab about 5 mins later the cab came back and we went home.

"I forgot to clean up" I said to Hayes when we pulled up to my house I saw my brothers car. we walked up and Jake was sitting on the couch."hey jake"I said as we came in the door he looked at me" you didn't clean up"he said. "I know I forgot I went out with Trevor and his girlfriend I'll clean right now I just forgot." he rolled his eyes and went to his room. "he can be so dam annoying sometimes." I said I started to pick up all the soda cans balloons were everywhere Hayes, Cameron, Nash are all sitting on the couch watching spongebob I hate that show I walked over to them and turned the t.v. off."hey what was that for" Hayes said" get off your lazy buts and help" I said and walked back to the kitchen with this huge black trash bag. "I have an idea"Amaya said putting the empty red cups in the trash. "what"Bella said Amaya smirked and opened the trash bag. "get in" Amaya told Bella knowing Bella she actually got in and she did."what the hell" Cameron said coming in seeing a big black trash can and a body inside it. I just laughed "who's in their"Nash asked I shrugged "why don't you look"Amaya said he went over to the trash bag and opened it a little bit. "BOO" Bella yelled Nash jumped back a little I jumped and I knew she was going to do that. "guys help clean up please" I said .

we finally got done cleaning all the boys went home Bella went home to its just Amaya and I "we should have a movie marathon tomorrow and just buy a whole bunch of snacks and rent movies and watch them all and-" Amaya said but I cut her off "yeah sounds good we can go get the snakes now lets go to bella's and invite her"I said she nodded I grabbed my iPhone "wait hoe are we getting their"Amaya said I grin I run back inside grab my penny borad it's like a blue, green-ish color "what about me go across and ask Nash I'd you can barrow his" I tell her she nods and walks over their while I knock on Bella's front door "hey wanna go buy snacks for a movie marathon tomorrow" I ask Bella she smiles" oh and grab your penny bored" I add she grabs her pinkish purplish one and we all meet at the middle if the road. Amaya has Nash's his is blue but I can be for a boy or girl."race you guys to 7/11 "I say and take off

"ha ha I win lozers" I say I win first then Bella and Amaya tied pretty much."you cheated you started before us" Amaya said I started to laugh at her we got a basket thing and put all this food in it gummy worms, slim Jim's, cookies, donuts, gum, twizzlers, and a bunch more stuff we put it all on the counter the old man working their scanned it all."okay your total will be $45.16"he said I handed him a $50 dollar bill I got my change back and we took our bags their was 4 I carried 2 they carried 1 we reached my house and we put the penny borads along the wall. "well only a couple more day until MagCon" I said going to the fridge to get a soda and sitting on the couch. "i can't wait I'm so excited i really want to see Taylor Caniff" Amaya said."I want to meet no one but the bed and food" Bella said making us laugh "who do you wanna meet" Amaya asked me I shrugged "I don't know everyone I guess" I said taking a sip of my drink they nodded.

"I should get home" Amaya said walking to the front door Bella nods" yeah same peace see Ya tomorrow luv ya" and hugs us then leaves *beep* *beep* (car horn) "well that's my mom bye tomorrow I'll be here around 11 love youuu" she sais and walked out the door. "I'm so lonely "I mumbled ans walked up to my room. "hey I'm going to Emily's house" Jake said I nodded and I heard the front door shut Emily's his girlfriend theri pretty serious she's so cool and sweet
I change into Nike shorts that are all black and changes into a plain white V neck. I got my phone and went to Hayes' house I knocked on the door and Nash answered."hey it a boring over my house" I said he nodded and let me in "hayes isn't here yet but you can sit here or go in his room"Nash said nodded and I went to his room I sat on his bed went on snap chat looked at everyone's story I don't post much but I think I will few mins later someone walked in I sat up on the bed and Hayes walked in "hey what are you doing here" Hayes asked going to his dresser." I was bored over at my house and wanted to spend time with you" I said standing up he went up and hugged me "your all hot- " I said but got cut off "I know I'm hot"he said smirking I laughed he layed down on the bed and chuckled" you spending the night" he asked I mumbled "yeah" "I'm going to take a shower love you" he said and went to the bathroom I was getting tired so I closed my eyes and with that i fell asleep.

good night guys luv you
stay beautiful as you already are love Cheyenne (grier)

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