46. Witch Talk

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After Jimin left his seat to have a talk with Yoongi...

" What's with angel and witch talk??! " Jin asked Tae...

" I cursed at Kookie hyung and it really happened.."

" Did you??!!  Did you curse at my boy Kookie?! Sure you are witch like Jimin told... " Jin  sighed

" No eomma... Like it's not real curse... I cursed him that no girls can get close to him....and I think I possess some powers... I made a invisible guard around my hyung... Tell me.... How otherwise he is not followed by girls yet??? So the conclusion is no girls could reach Kookie hyung!! because of my curse...." Tae proudly said..

" Guard my ass... He got two noona's... They were all over him on his graduation time... As far as I know... He didn't have any girlfriend or relationship... He always talk about you to me... But guard and all... He tried to fool you stupid... There is no invisible guard... Don't be easy on him.." Jin said...

" Do you think so??!! "

" Yes!!! I know so... You got fooled... Don't fall for his sweet magical words... Boys do that to make you their slaves... " Jin said smirking at Tae

" Eomma !!! Hyung is not like that...  He loves me... I'm his everything..."

" He loves you alright... But if he says you are his angel... Don't fall for him... He is doing that to take you in easy way.. Boys mentality" Jin said to tease Tae.. and stall the kids to move any further in relationship in haste. He wants them to spend more time together before going deep in to it..

" Yes eomma!!  It could be true... I trust you eomma... I'm not gonna fall for his words.... It should be me to take him in easy way.... I love him more... " Tae said and started calculate how to take Kook hyung before Kook make his move..

" Take what??! Tae... I'll advice you to take it slow... Wait for some time before you both.... " Jin said and his words are interrupted by Tae...

" Isn't five years long enough eomma...??Tell me eomma...how to seduce your son??!! " Tae asked and

" Yea!!!! "Jin was astound for some seconds because of Tae's bold question..

" What???! We are gonna do that anyway... I'm your second son-in-law.. So don't be worried.. "

" Whatever... Inform me in prior... I'm outta this Zone... I have very sensitive ears to hear your five years of compressed blast... " Jin said closing his ears and Tae sheepishly smiled thinking about that morning. The way Kook made him moan...

" Yes eomma!!! Even this morning.... " Tae started and Jin shoved a big steamed bun in Tae's mouth and said...

" Wait Tae... Let me call Jiminie back to hear your ...mhh.... your love story... " Jin said and Tae shook his head signing no and freezed in the place with full mouth of bun afraid of his mom.. Jin spanked a little on Tae's back...

" Tae.... Tell me one thing.... Is Min shi.... By any chance attracted to Jimin?! " Jin hesitantly build every word not to hurt Tae's feelings.. But Tae's reaction gave him more than just answers..

On hearing those words from Jin, Tae was stunned, he had no way other than confess everything. Tae knows Jin always think good for Jimin, so no worries.. But Jin will put some crazy tests on Yoongi before everything to ensure the safety of Jimin.. That's Tae's only concern.

" Jin eomma listen...  This is not some kinda joke or infatuation or fling thing... My boss... He is really a good man... He is in love with our Mini for five years... He have pure love and only love for our Mini... "

" So....? You are playing Cupid on your own mother's life? "

" Not at all.... I just brought my boss here to make his own move.. So what if I play cupid... ? He loves my mother for real.. You should believe him too"

" Tell me Tae....??? How successful are you in your love relationship?! "

" I'm pretty successful... My first and only love..... I lost him and got him back again..... He never changed too... He is head over heels for me... I'm the same... Going to be your son-in-law soon.. What more success story you want?! "

" Then why Kookie didn't come to me about proposing you or marrying you yet?? Both of you couldn't talk about your past?? The past which split you apart and left you both hurting for five years....Why??? " Jin asked

" I made a mistake... I have no confidence to bring that again... He forgave me for some reasons but whenever the talk comes... The guilt is drowning me...  I couldn't bring myself to talk about it to him...  So... He proposed me many times... I need to accept the proposal... Before that I'm preparing myself to answer his questions... "

" So... It's been three days.. You both didn't took it to next step???! Avoiding the past???!! But you are still fooling around like a dumb teenagers... ?! "

" It's not his fault... Totally mine...  I couldn't bring myself to accept the mistake and apologize... Not like I feel like what I did was right... But... I don't feel I can face the further questions.. " Tae said

" So... You are avoiding questions??  That way you are  avoiding real talk...? With this amount of complexity in your love life you are judging Minshi's love... Wow!!! "

" Eomma.... What should I do?? "

" Giving your first kiss Enwoo to take revenge on Kook is the biggest mistake in your so called successful love.... Now... Avoiding talking about it is going to break you both further... Talk about it... Apologize for your mistakes.... "

" You know everything?! " Tae asked while his voice trembles... He wanted to vanish from that place...

" Yes I know.... To be honest I knew it long back... It's not Kookie who told me.... Hwang cried to me about doing this for you both one day... " Jin seriously said..

" I'm... I'm really... "

" Don't... You don't have to apologize to me... You just have to do some grown up talk with Kookie....Just skipping the talk for now and fooling around can look like a easy way..... It won't last long...It's easy for those who want short time flings. If you want life together... Then clarify it... Own your mistake and seek forgiveness... I told him the same.. "

" Ok eomma... I'll definitely talk to him... I'll propose... I'm sure he will accept my apologies... Just don't think bad about me eomma...." Tae hesitantly said... and Jin caressed Tae's hair in comforting way and smile at him...

" I always love you Tae..... And....when you talk with Kook...make sure not to bring this up anytime in the future... It could break your bond as well their friendship... So both of you take a vow to not bring this in any other situation... "

" Ok eomma... But.. I want you to know that..... Kookie hyung is my first kiss.... I barely pecked Woo hyung in his lips... and he is like my brother... "

" Who cares about the truth... ???!! Tae... It doesn't matter to whom you share your first kiss... But how you projected yourself in front of Kookie.. That's a really big punishment.... That day...You made him feel worthless....

Make him feel special again Tae... Make him believe.. He is everything to you... How he made you believe that you are everything to him.. " Jin said and Tae nodded his head without any words then he started crying uncontrollably laying on Jin's lap.

" Hey hey!!! Don't cry... I trust you... You can make him believe.... Dont cry baby... Look... OMG!! Whats happening with Min-Min ???! " Jin shook Tae and tried to distract him by showing Yoongi and Jimin's talk.

" What???!! " Tae rubbed his eyes off tears and stood straight to look at his mom in panicked way..

" Did he asked Jimin for date?? Why Jimin looking awestruck ??!! " Jin asked...

" I have no idea... Eomma please help them... I want Min Yoongi as my appa... Please do something..  That man's love is genuine... You can only help them.. " Tae shook Jin and asked him to help

" Let me know Min shi  better before that " Jin said..

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