The Pack

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Teru double-counted.

Then he triple-checked.

One dark grey wolf.

One chocolate brown and white wolf.

One silver wolf.

But there were no rustic-colored beasts anywhere within the group.

Oh, and Kieran was there, too-


He frantically looked at the seat beside him. The door was wide open. Kieran had left the Jeep, putting himself between the car and the pack. His stance was low, claws out, ready to fight. Did Kieran not remember them from New York? How much did he forget when Pride was in control, while his sanity sat in the far back?

Tae-soo's wolf stepped in front of the other two. It growled. Thick, bubbling drool oozed down its jaw. The reason-edged teeth taunted Kieran. The message warned, Look, bloodsucker. You could be torn apart by my deadly bite.

Kieran returned the provocation by hissing, fangs dripping pheromone venom. Fucking dog, draining your blood will only take seconds.

Both released their alpha pheromones. Mint clashed with leather, mixed with angry musk. The scent combination churned Teru's stomach.

It was vampire vs. werewolf, two natural enemies that have not properly clashed in centuries.

Blaise tightened his grip on the steering wheel, eyes glistening to join the fight. "Teru, stay here-HEY!"

Teru was already behind Kieran, abandoning the Jeep's safety. This had to stop! There shouldn't be any fighting! He placed his hand flat on his mate's back.

He was startled when Kieran snarled loudly at the sudden touch, facing him. His hand rose to strike with dagger-like fingernails. Tae-soo barked at the killing gesture, about to pounce and save their pack leader.

This is all a misunderstanding!

Thankfully, Kieran seemed to be aware that his omega was the one who had come between him and the 'enemy,' pausing and shaking with adrenaline. Teru tilted his head, analyzing what he was seeing and smelling. The heavy mint and musk pheromones, dilated pupils and agitation, no self-control, animalistic, and lack of extra facial muscles whenever his deadly sin took over...

This wasn't Pride at all, but old instincts that had been domesticated by civilization over the millennium; an alpha defending what was theirs, simple as that. Kieran rarely allowed this barbaric side of him to come out, the other few times being his rut season and Teru's heat period.

He felt it, sensing Kieran's random onslaught of aggression and desperation to protect. Honestly, the switch in temperament somewhat reminded Teru of the times when he had burst into tears for the stupidest reasons. Not only that, but he had seen similar behaviors by other alphas in his prior pack when their beta partners were expecting pups.

My scent is getting sweeter by the day. It must be triggering his alpha. He's heading into danger without thinking of the consequences. Normally, Kieran would've realized they're not a threat to anyone here.

Teru side-glanced at his second-in-command, nodding 'no.' The pack knew what it meant.

Stand down.

At first, the large canines laid their ears flat, pacing a little to show their hesitation to follow the order. There was tickling on the sides of Teru's head. His human ears had unintentionally shifted into furry, black ones.

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