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"Is what your principal said true, Jin?". If what Jin's principal said was true, Mr. Kim was so angry that he would have beaten him severely.

Jin was at a loss as to how to answer that, and at that time, Lisa entered the principal's room without permission, then She plan tells Jin's father that he is wrong and thinks that she wants to increase Jin's father's anger to him "uncle, I saw yesterday with my own eyes, jin was alone with a person in the library, it's true, then I took a video of them together and watch it". She said and showed him the entire video on her phone.

After listening to what she said, Jin realized that she was the one who spread the photo, and then when his father saw the whole video, he would thought his father surely understand that there is nothing happened to wrong. But he saw his father watching that video, he felt anger in his father's eyes.

As soon as jin's dad finished watching the video, lisa thought that he might say something more wrong about jin to his father, "Not only that, uncle, jin has proposed to a boy who is new to his class. Because that boy rejected jin's proposal, so that he slapped the boy on the cheek in front of everyone without even a bit of shame. This is the first time I've heard that uncle, if someone propose and they don't accept that love, they beat the person without giving up".

Jin never expected that she would tell his father about this, then he thought of how to escape from his father now, because if his father went to ask tae about this, he would definitely say yes, except that he had no chance to speak for himself. Then Jin thinking that it was the last day of his life, and he thought to the extent that he should finally one time to see his friends and hug them to say I love you.

Then he thinks why his friends haven't come to college yet, at that moment his father angrily said to him, "take me to your class room".

Hearing that, the principal thought that no big problem should come to Jin, and said to his father, "Sir, you should not go to the classroom, we will only talk about the reason why you are here now, we are not allowed to talk about anything else. Then I know that Lisa is your wife's sister's daughter, so it seems to me that this matter is your personal matter, so if the three of you want to discuss this further, go outside the college and talk."

At the time when Jin was feeling a little happy in his heart because of the principal words, suddenly his father took Jin's hand and take him to outside without listening to any of the principal's words and said that "now you are showing me your classroom". 

But jin remained silent and at that time lisa said to Jin's dad "I'm going to take you to his class room, uncle".

Jin got very angry after hearing that, then knowing that anger is of no use now, so that he quietly followed his father to his classroom. 

At that time, jin was very happy to see jungkook and jimin running fast confront to him and thought that his wish had come true.

Then they both sighed and asked him "what happened?", to which jin told him everything that happened. 

Then they told him, "That's why we both called you in the morning and tried to tell you not to come to college". 

Hearing that, Jin felt a little uneasy and thought that he should have attended to his friends' calls.

When Lisa shows jin's dad who tae is, he goes in front of tae and asks him "Did my son Kim seokjin propose to you?". 

While he was asking tae like that, jin, jungkook and jimin entered the classroom and were scared to see what tae would answer. 

But Unexpectedly, tae tells jin's dad "no".

Hearing Tae's answer, everyone in the classroom looked at him in surprise because everyone knew exactly what was going on, As it happened, everyone looked at him in surprise because Tae lied. 

Lisa then angrily tells Tae, "Don't lie,tae." 

But without even looking at her face he tells her "I have no need to lie to anyone".

Hearing tae's reply jin, jungkook and jimin were very happy, then jin's dad told tae to "forgive me" and when he left the class room, he thought something in his mind, he looked back at tae and confront of him again.

Jin Seeing his father standing in front of Tae like that again, wondering what other question was in his father's mind and looked at them in fear.

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