S3, E10

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My mental stability is going down the drain so I'll just post what I have and going into a small hiatus, because multiple people have asked me to update or create a new book (literally someone followed me to just ask me that without even looking at my bio. To everyone else, commenting funny stuff, loving the books, AND NOT TELLING ME TO UPDATE, you guys are the most amazing people there is.

So, I'll be back. If you see people saying to update, kindly ask them to delete the comment, and if someone asks for a book in my profile, please tell them.

Other than that, I'll be back with a new chapter of BNHA and Blue Lock soon. Ja ne!

-3rd POV-

"Master..." Shigaraki whispered as the other members of the League spit out the black ink from their mouths.

"Oh, no!" Torino said, jumping towards them, "Everyone's going to be taken away!"

"Damn it!" All Might exclaimed, running, "Take me with you, Shigaraki!"

"Come back here!" Satoru exclaimed.

The two heroes tried to grab Shigaraki, but it failed since they disappeared last second, shocking everyone as they were left with the Nomus.

"I-I'm sorry, everyone!" Kamui said.

"It wasn't your fault!" Edgeshot said, before jumping, dodging the punch of the Nomu, "We were also unable to do anything!" He used his quirk to strike the creature, "We thought Kurogiri's Warp was more like teleportation rather than one that opened a path in space."

Nomus jumped towards them.

"All Might! Satoru!" The older male called out to the two.

Satoru exercised the ones that were curses.

"Oklahoma Smash!" The number one hero said, spinning, sending the Nomus attached to him, flying.


"That was an energetic way of breaking things!"

"I can't help it! Focus on the villains!

Two males from outside said, before shooting the Nomus, but soon stopped they went up in flames.

"Itadori Yuji on the case!" He exclaimed, grinning.

"Demon Dogs!" Another voice called out, putting their hands together and two dogs appeared, before they attacked the Nomus, "Kugisaki! Get the others!"

"Don't tell me what to do, Fushiguro!" A female exclaimed, using her nails and hammer to exorcise the others around.

The police could only feel enlightened, seeing sorcerers coming to help them.

"They must be Satoru's students."

Endeavor came in and burned some of the Nomus as they got closer, "These guys..." He trailed off, running and punching a Nomu, "Did they come from over there?"

"I can't get a hold of Jeanist and the others! It's possible that we failed on the Nomu factory side!" Tsukauchi said.

"What a mess!"

"Endeavor!" A voice called out.

"Huh?" The hero said, looking up to see All Might.

The hero coughed a bit, then looked at the hero, "Are you all right?"

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