Moving On

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A stray tear fell out of Tory's eye as she watched Robby walk away from her, she then stormed off to go find Kyler to take her to the dojo; she needed to take her emotions out on a punching bag.

Tory couldn't find Kyler, or anybody she came here with, so she was left with only one option.

"Hey, uh, you're Jordan right? You're in Cobra Kai aren't you? could you please take me to the dojo? I haven't really got anywhere to go.."
She didn't even like the guy, he was a cocky asshole, but she was desperate, and everybody else had already left the waterpark.

"Yeah I guess, but you owe me one Queen Cobra."
the boy then smiled at Tory, she smiled back, she was trying to hold back the disgust she felt inside.

Tory sat down, he then started to drive the car
"You look like you've been crying?"
"I'm fine."
The boy then rolled his eyes at Tory
"Ugh whatever, you and Keene still together?"
Jordan asked her

"If you must know, no, we aren't, we broke up."
"Oh well, you'll get over it."
Tory shook her head
"No, I won't, Robby was all I had!"

"There is a lot of other fish in the sea"
"Yeah right." Tory said sarcastically

They both stayed silent for a moment
"I like your outfit." the boy complimented, Tory was wearing just a bikini with shorts, so that statement made her feel slightly uncomfortable

"Oh- thanks?"
She noticed the boy looking her up and down
"So uh, now that you are a free agent, do you fancy going out on a date with me?"
"No are you insane? I've literally just broke up with Robby!"

"I'm sure he's already over it, guys get over breakups SO much faster than girls do." the boy stated
"You know what? Pull over, I'm done"
"Huh?" The boy questioned

The boy immediately done as she said
"Geez, if my girlfriend was as demanding as you, I'd break up with her too!"
"You have a girlfriend?" Tory asked in disbelief

"Yeah, why is that so surprising?" Jordan asked her
"You were flirting with me a second ago!"
"I flirt with a lot of girls, you aren't that special, even though you may think that you are, now get out of my car "Queen Cobra"

Tory then slammed the door behind her

She watched the car leave her, the same way that everybody in her life had done so.

In that moment, Tory made a promise to herself, she was never going to look at another man again, it always ended in tears. Tory took out her phone and blocked Robby's number, she took a deep breath and paused, it was time to begin moving on.

Moving On (Keenry)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя