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Let's begin making your character!

First things first, your character will be referred to as Y/N, or Your/name. This means when you see it, replace it with your character's name while reading. Now, what will your character's name be?

Next, physical appearance! There are 4 main traits I will say. H/c, H/l, E/c, and S/c. Here is the list:

H/c: Hair color. What color of hair do you have.

H/l: How long is your hair?

E/c: Eye color. Brown, blue, green, red, there are many colors to choose from. Which do you choose?

S/c: Skin color. Pretty self-explanatory.

Those are your four major physical traits. Now mental traits! Here is the list straight away.

F/c: Favorite Color

F/f: Favorite food.

F/d: Favorite drink.

Sf/c: Second favorite color. Just lets me add more diversity in the book so it's not all "you bought a f/c dress with f/c shoes and f/c pants and f/c shirt."

Nice! I will add more along the way but they will be minor things.

So, we have set up your character in this series. If you are reading on PC and want to copy/paste this feel free just make sure to give me credit. I am not sure if somebody has done this already so don't bombard me with comments saying "You copied so and so, give them credit!" but anyway here is an example map that I made for my character.

Bio:  Name: Elyanne Middleton Wilkins.   Gender: Female.   

Phys. Appearance: Hair Color: Brown.   Hair length: Medium. Skin color: White.   Eye color: Dark Green.

Favorites: Favorite Color: Cyan.  Second favorite color: Forest green.   Favorite food: Pizza   Favorite drink:   Hot Cocoa.

And that's my character map! If you are an artist, feel free to send me images of your character! I drew mine in the cover (I suck at drawing and used Paint 3d shaped for most of the body so don't judge me) but send in your characters in the comments!

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