Unexpected developments

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[scene: Devil may cry]

(Y/n) just came back into the devil may cry store after stripping the stolen maiden powers from the theft Cinder Fall, he walked into the store to see Summer at the desk as everyone else was out on different jobs.

(Y/n): hi mum

Summer: Hi sweetie, where were you?

(Y/n): I was helping Ozpin with something on his end.

Summer: I see.

(Y/n): *seats on the couch* So what everyone doing?

Summer: Let's see *grabs some papers* Doom is on a Grimm extermination, Jalter is hunting down a chimera, Sam and Dean are meeting up with two friends, V is fallowing a led he found regarding the orbs you, him and Bayonetta found.

(Y/n): So what about Bayonetta?

Before Summer had a chance to say anything, the doors opened to see Bayonetta.

Bayonetta: Ah (Y/n) just the person I looking for.

(Y/n): Hey Bayonetta, what's up?

Bayonetta: Nothing much Rodin wants to see you to test a theory of his.

(Y/n): Alright so what's this theory?

Bayonetta: He wants to see if any of the demon weapons he has or he made can effect your demon form like when you are using either your devil sword or Yamato.

Summer: That a good idea, after all, when (Y/n) used the devil sword Sparda in the past before he made his devil sword and activated his demon trigger he turned into his father's demon form.

(Y/n): I do remember that, so it would be a good idea to test out this theory, alright I down let's go pay the fallen angel weapon smith a visit.

(Y/n) got up to go with Bayonetta to the gates of hell, however before they leave the store they sense a massive amount of demonic energy being released.

Bayonetta: What was that?

Summer: No clue?

(Y/n): That felt like a demon transformation, almost like my devil trigger, but the only people that has a devil trigger is me and...V

As (Y/n) and Bayonetta was getting ready to to find V, Rodin appeared with 4 rings, 2 gold rings and 2 pinks rings

Rodin: (Y/n) here, test the theory on the job and tell me the rest when you get back.

(Y/n): Got it

After both (Y/n) and Bayonetta left to find V

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