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       "I'll be right back," Erìhe laughed as she turned away from Níawi. The girl had convinced her to sit with her in the hut where the seamstress worked. Níawi knew how Erìhe struggled with making bracelets and just about anything that required artistic abilities, so she had begged for them to spend time with the seamstress - watching as the older woman worked.

Erìhe wanted to get the three of them some fruit so that they could be energized. They had already been in the hut for three hours more or less, and it was safe to say that they were growing restless.

The seamstress was a lovely older lady who actually enjoyed spending time with the two teenagers. Erìhe had been afraid of being a bother - but Níawi had assured her that the woman would enjoy their company.

The seamstress had no children of her own, and so she enjoyed sitting with the children and teenagers of the tribe - listening to their gossip and stories.

"Hurry back! She's about to add the shells!" Níawi called after Erìhe as she was already turning around the corner of the pod.

Erìhe smiled to herself as she walked through the village to collect the fruits. Spending time with Níawi was not only enjoyable - but it also helped distract her thoughts from Neteyam.

Níawi was a great friend. She would have no problem talking about Neteyam if Erìhe wished to - and she also never asked to hear about it.

Erìhe was not one who loved talking about her problems. Sure, she had a few moments where she burst and went on about her things - but she'd much rather ignore and keep them to herself. Perhaps it was not the best way to cope but this way she stayed happy.

Until shed inevitably burst again.

After picking up a small basket filled with a variation of different kinds of fruits, her eyes fell on something that she'd perhaps wished to not see.

By the shore stood Neteyam. He was accompanied by none other than Aluva.

Aluva. The girl who had been getting on Erìhe's nerves lately for absolutely no apparent reason whatsoever. Lately she had just found anything that the girl did to be extremely annoying.

Maybe it was due to the fact that Erìhe suspected Aluva to have feelings for Neteyam.

In her defense, who gave someone the bracelet that is meant for a crush if they have no interest in them whatsoever? Erìhe had found it fishy.

And what she saw before her just confirmed this all.

Neteyam stood in front of Aluva, their hands holding each other's. His back faced Erìhe but she knew for certain that it was him. She'd grown up around him after all. There was no mistaking his hair and the way he carried himself.

His shoulders were always pulled back confidently and he had a very certain way of standing.

Erìhe almost dropped her basket of fruits as her teeth ground together.

As she watched Aluva smiling up at Neteyam and taking a step closer - Erìhe decided to protect her feelings and turn around. She would not want to see what happened next.

The only thought that made a bitter smile come on her face in that moment was the fact that she had given Tuk the bracelet that Aluva had made Neteyam.

As soon as the boy had handed it over to Erìhe, she had considered tossing it in the ocean - but then she deemed it too rude and instead gifted it to Tuk, who had been thrilled to get a new piece of jewelry to add to her growing collection.

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