Chapter 5

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^the picture above is their school schedule.

I slammed the door and scurried up the stairs to follow my brother. If you haven't noticed, he's mad.

"So you're friends with Luke Hemmings? That's good, what's next, you're joining their band?" He asked sarcastically. I sighed. There's your proof, he's mad.

"We're not friends, and why can't you stay out of my business for once. You have your own life, stop worrying about mine's!" I shouted at him.

"You're telling me not to worry when my worst enemy comes up to my driveway, accusing me of something, then I find out my sister has been associating with him!" He exclaimed his face scrunching up in anger.

"We're just lab partners not best friends! Can you chill, we're not even talking to each other!" I shut my mouth instantly because I know from his facial expression that he's hurt from me yelling. He's usually the one yelling at me not the other way around. I'm the calm and composed one. Apparently I just shattered my record.

"Look I'm sorry but I couldn't change lab partners. I promise I won't talk to him." He sighed and nodded.

"Okay then, look I know I have no control of your life but I care about you and I don't want my little sister hanging out with some punk band member. A punk who sucks at playing the guitar I may add." He said finally grinning showing his deep dimples. I playfully punch his shoulder and he tried to look hurt but failed miserably and we ended up cracking up. The reason, we don't know. I hear the door opening and our mum came inside the house with arms full of groceries.

"You two will help me get the groceries from the car or cook your own dinner, your choice."

haha again

I was sitting on my bed playing my guitar when I heard my mum. The only thing I could hear louder than the music.

"Lucas Robert Hemmings!" Oh shit did I do something. I scrambled up to kick my dirty clothes under my bed and hung my guitar behind my door.

"Yes mum-" I was cut of by my mum bursting through my door with my progress report in her hand. Shit. I forgot they mailed the reports today.

"I thought you were doing fine in school." She unfolded the report and shoved it into my face. "Apparently not because your C's and D's prove the opposite." I gulped realizing my throat is really dry. I didn't really care about my grades. I don't plan on going to college and I wanted to continue our band and maybe get really successful and famous. And rich too, money is everything. My mum doesn't really agree with my life plans.

I grabbed the paper and scanned it to see why my mum was yelling.

Hemmings, Lucas Robert
Senior; Central Valley Academy-for International English Speakers

Pre Calculus [D+]
World History [C+]
Spanish [C]
Music [A]
AP Chemistry [D-]
P.E. [A]
Creative Writing [B-]

I smiled proudly seeing that I had two A's and one B. Until my mum snatched the report away from me.

"Why are you smiling?! This is horrible. If you have to know, I called the school and they're setting up a student tutor for you. I can't see my son failing high school!"

I cringed when she said student tutor. I hope it's one of those nerdy looking people with big front teeth and large glasses. Those people can easily be manipulated into doing my homework.

"I'm not failing. I didn't get any F's. And I got a A in P.E. and Music." I rolled my eyes.

"Don't worry, I bet the principle is calling your tutor right now."


I landed on the couch breathing hard after lifting tons of groceries from the boot of the car onto our counter.

Harry sat down beside me looking perfectly normal like we didn't just lifted 50 bags of groceries. Okay not 50 but when our mum shops, she does it so we only have to visit the store once a month.

Harry grabs the remote and goes through the tv channels trying to find something to watch.

"The reports came!" Mum exclaimed as she came into the house with a handful of mail and two reports.
Harry stared at the reports in fear. Well this will be interesting.

"Let's start with Marie's." My mum decided and took the folded piece of paper from the envelope. She hums cheerfully as she studies my grades. That's good, she only hums when she's in a good mood.

"As I expected, straight A's. Now with Harry's." She places my report on the counter and unfolded Harry's. She scrunched her eyebrows together and lowered down the report.

"A C World History? I thought you were good in that subject." Our mum eyed Harry and I choked and stared at Harry wide eyed.

"A C?! Are you serious? How could-"

"Calm down I'm not planning to be a historian, it's not that important of a class anyway." Harry cuts me off rolling his eyes at me. Of course he would say that. To him, all the classes aren't important.

"Many colleges require-" I was once again cut off but this time by the house phone. Harry took advantage of this time to go upstairs to his room. My mum answered the phone and I sat down and watched whatever was on tv. It was on Disney Channel.

"Hmm...Of course she would gladly do that...Yes her grades are outstanding, straight A's again...Yes I'll informed her...Thank you." My mum hung up the home phone on the wall and made her way to me.

"The principle called," she paused and I looked up at her with a questioning look. "He's assigned for you to be tutoring someone."

Author Notes: My back fucking hurts. This is not funny, I am in pain. I went into one of those bouncy house things last night, but you were suppose to race someone to the end and slide out. I think I cramped my back when I jumped out head first, but it was the most fun I've had since like 5th grade. I'm in Michigan right now, on this Asian Convention. I graduated Thursday, and cried a lot this week. Please vote and comment so I don't shed any more tears. Plus most of you are sassy af and I like to read comments.

Song: American Idiot by Green Day
I love Green Day and this song came on when I was writing Luke's POV. That's why his grades are so bad.

Q: Where do you guys live?

Answer: I live in a boring town called Carbondale in Illinois. Literary nothing goes on so I can honestly say that I don't get my inspiration for writing at home. It's usually from Tumblr.


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