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Next day, Y/N pov
I woke up hearing the sound of the alarm and went to the bathroom to get changed.

Next day, Y/N povI woke up hearing the sound of the alarm and went to the bathroom to get changed

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After that I went back to the dorm and saw Haru, Vivienne and Elly talking. "Hey girls, what's up?", I said as I sat down near Haru. "Hey Y/N, nothing special, just talking about what Wooyoung told Vivi", said smirking Elly. "Wait, what did he tell you?? I want to know!", I said curious to Vivi. She blushed. "N-nothing! Really! We were just watching the fireworks and I asked if they were pretty and he said that they were the prettiest.. but I didn't think he was referring to me-", "Are you kidding! Of course he was!", said Haru. "I'm not sure-" "Vivi, he was looking at you, no? Didn't you tell us this? So if he was looking at you when he said "they" were the prettiest maybe he was referring to you.", I immediately said. "I don't know girls.. and after all we are just friends..." "Vivi, even the walls know that you both aren't "just friends", believe us.", said Haru. "Wait! Let's not talk about me. Let's talk about Haru. Yesterday you only noticed my ring, but you didn't notice Haru's necklace, or Elly's  ring!", I nodded. "Yeah! She is right! Okay now your turn girls. First Haru.". As soon as I said it she blushed. "Well.... Niki gave this to me..."  "And..?", we all asked. "Well he asked me to go a little bit outside to take some air and he blindfolded me and put this necklace on my neck and then.....", we looked at her curiously, waiting for her to finish the sentence. "He kissed my neck first and then kissed me... he then took the blindfold off and told me that I drive him crazy and other things and then he asked me if I wanted to be his girlfriend and now we are together...". We looked at her shocked. "NO WAY!", said Elly. "Don't be so shocked! What did Sunoo tell you when he gave you that ring!", she said. Elly got silent and blushed. "Well... he... told me that for him I was the most special person and when he gave me this ring he told me that it shines just like me and he made me promise to never take this off.." "Awww! That's so sweet!", said Vivi. She nodded while blushing. "And you Y/N?", suddenly asked Vivi. "Well I realized that what I felt for Niki was nothing compared to what I feel for Jake... and he made me understand that- well, Haru, made me understand what I felt for him and I told him and he told me that he felt something for me but he knew about my crush for Niki and he didn't want to ruin things and also before the ball we kissed... when you went to get the juice that day. But while he was talking I realized what I felt and kissed him and now we are together as well....", "So you two kissed and you didn't tell us!", said Haru faking to be offended. We all laughed and we spent the morning talking about the ball.
After lunch, Y/N pov
We were studying together history when Rosè entered the room. "Girls, I'm going to be quick as we don't have much time left and I need to inform all the angels. At about 16:30 we're going to do some Christmas shopping in Watford. So get ready and took some bags with you as you'll need them"
(A/N: I repeat as I already said it. I know Christmas is way over, but me and a friend of mine that's helping me, decided to do this Christmas shopping after Christmas, so I'm just writing it now)
We nodded and she went to the other students.
"Okay, right now is 14:55, so we need to get ready as soon as possible and we need to get the bags.", said Haru. We all nodded and we took some clothes and got changed.
This is what I was wearing:

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