Chapter 6

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After bringing Naruto to my 'blue spot' once, he frequently came over for a short chat. I couldn't help but notice how different he was from anyone I had ever met before. He had this loud confidence about him that I found captivating.

As Naruto began to come to the place more frequently, I found myself looking forward to his visits. I can't explain it, but there was something about his presence that made me feel at ease. I found myself thinking about him when he wasn't there, wondering what he was doing and when I would see him again. As we sat and talked, I felt as if we had known each other forever, although it had only been half a year. We talked about everything and anything, and I found myself laughing and smiling more than I had in a long time.

I couldn't tell what this feeling was, but after spending so much time with him, I do admit to seeing him as a good friend. 

"Sasuke?" Naruto slowly walked up the hill where the tree stood. "Sasuke are you here?" He turned around the corner to see me on the swings, swinging myself back and forth. I heard a soft chuckle behind me, as he neared closer. 

"What's so funny?" I asked. 

"Nothing, just remembering how you were dancing in the rain." I rolled my eyes. "It looked so funny."

"Can you not bring that up?" I turned my head to the sunshine smiling boy. "Why are you so random anyway?" 

"It's going to rain, we should hurry and get inside." I received another laugh. "Unless you want to dance again."

"I swear to God, Naruto." 

"Alright, alright. I'll stop teasing." He paused for a second. "You know I keep teasing you about it but that running around in the rain seemed rather sad." He came by the swing, seating himself beside me. 

My eyes widen in the shock of someone being so close to me.  Too close too close too close. No one is ever close enough.I suck in my breath and wait for him to walk away like everyone else in my life. Shutting my eyes and counting till ten, then letting my breath go. But then opened them back and he still sat there, smiling up at me. 



"What is your biggest fear? 

I closed my eyes, knowing what it was but not knowing how to word it. "My biggest fear? Well I always felt like an outcast, even among my own family. I had mastered the art of being distant and keeping my emotions hidden, and acting heartless, but deep down, I was tormented by a fear that I couldn't shake. The fear of being left all alone, of being abandoned by those I cared about." I held my breath, but then let go looking down at the soft look his eyes gave. 

"Is that so?"

"Yep. And actually there is an interesting story. Back when I was around ten, after driving off my bike in the morning and coming back home in the evening, I tripped along the bridge that reached down to the lake with big rocks. Then I found myself isolated and injured. My head got badly injured and bled very badly. I couldn't move, and my thoughts were consumed by my deepest fear. I was afraid that this time, no one would come to my rescue, and that I would be left to die." I moved the two strands of hair off my face, revealing the stitches. 

"Damn, that looks painful." He pushed with his legs on the grass, swinging the swings. "That's why you be careful dummy." 

"Heh, but then just as I was about to give in to despair, I heard a soft voice calling my name. It was Itachi, my older brother. I honestly couldn't believe it. I had always pushed him and others away, but even so, he was there for me, risking his own safety to save my life." I smiled looking down at my lap. "At that moment, I realized that I wasn't alone, after all. I had a family who cared about me, and could finally let go of my fear." The smile slowly faded. "Sorry I got into so much detail. Over all, my fear is being abandoned or out cases as always." 

"Don't worry that was interesting. I asked because you would talk a lot about it." 

I squinted my eyes pressing my eyebrows together. "Ugh, how dare you."

"I like hearing you talk, and clearly ramen or manga didn't get you talking, so I am trying to find my language with you." 

I rolled my eyes, then smiled ever so softly. "Anyway, wouldn't it be unfair for me to tell you my deepest fear and secret and you just consuming it." I looked down. "What is your fear?" 

"Well, for me. I am always known for my bravery, my never-give-up spirit, and 'not scared of anything.' kinda thing. But there was one thing that terrified me to my core – ghosts. Ever since I was a child, I have been haunted by nightmares of ghostly apparitions, and the fear had only grown stronger as I got older" 

"Ghosts?" Naruto gave me a light nod. "Interesting." 

"I kind of have a story with it too. Me and the other kids in the neighborhood were playing hide-n-seek. Later I found myself lost in the forest, with night falling fast. I tried to keep my courage up, but as the shadows grew longer, I could feel my fear growing stronger. And then I heard a weird noise, not from so far. And I can swear I saw a strange figure, deeper in the woods walking toward me." Naruto looked down swinging his feet back and forth.

"Seriously? I'll be honest, that would even scare me." 

But then I stepped forward, took a deep breath and convinced myself it wasn't real. Next time I opened my eyes the ghostly figure vanished. Then I continued on my way, trying to find home. On my way back, finally reaching home, I realized that my fear of ghosts was just that – a fear." He brought his lower lip between his teeth. "Although I am still afraid of them."

"Don't worry, if a ghost does appear" Our eyes finally met. "I'll fight it off." 

We sat there, just looking into each other's eyes for a half minute. 

"And if your family, your friends, the world abandons you." I watched his hand reach for mine, as they both rested on the swing. "I'll be by your side and go through it with you, so don't be scared." He leaned in closer.

"You can't touch me," I whisper, moving my head away. "And even if I wasn't sick, I would prefer we stay in our own bubbles." I'm lying, is what I don'ttell him. I wish he did touch me, is what I'll never tell him. 

Pleasetouch me, is what I want to tell him.But things happen when people touch me. Strange things.Bad things.Dead things.I can't remember the warmth of any kind of embrace. Myarms ache from the inescapable ice of isolation. My ownmother couldn't hold me in her arms. My father couldn'twarm my frozen hands. I live in a world of nothing. 

He inches forward and I'm almost scared to breathe. Hisfingers graze the scratchy wood under us, as he backs off just a bit, but not as far to make it easy to breath again. As long as he's not touchingmy skin. As long as he's not touching my skin. As long ashe's not touching my skin. 

"We should get going." Naruto whispers, getting off the swings. "It's going to rain soon." 

"Right." I jumped off behind him, walking beside him down the hill. 

Please touch me, reach for my hand, is the onlything I can think of before exhaustion cripples my body.

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