chapter 4 🌱

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scaramouche pov :

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scaramouche pov :

My therapy session ended with Nahida as I got home and flopped onto my bed. Fuck. My clothes are all soaked now because of the rain. I went to my drawr and pulled out a t-shirt and sweatpants before heading to the bathroom.

I was about to open the door but my step-sister, Mona startled me as it looks like she just showered. "Oh? Are you gonna shower?" She asked and I nodded. "Okay, then use the hair dryer to dry your uniform." She said as she walked out.

Use the hair dryer? What the fuck? I decided not to question it as I closed the door behind me and took off my clothes. I turned on the water and hopped in. I felt the warm water run down my back as I let out a sigh.

I rested my back against the back of the tub and let the water fall down on me. Nahida's words rang through my head as I started getting dizzy. I started sweating and I couldn't control my breathing. "Scaramouche! What's taking so long?!" I heard Ei yell from downstairs.

I flashed back into reality as I turned off the water and dried myself with the towel. I put on my t-shirt and sweatpants and dried my hair. "SCARA!" I heard Ei yell again. "I'm coming!" Goddamnit.

I hung up the towel and put my uniform in my room before running downstairs. "What is it?" I groaned. "What was taking you so long, sweetie?" My mom asked.

"Nothing." I replied. "Are you sure?" She asked and I nodded. "Alright then, dinner is ready." She said as I nodded in response. We all sat down and ate together while either watching the TV or talking.

I finished as I put my plate in the sink and headed upstairs. I flopped onto my bed and scrolled through my phone. There wasn't really anything on my feed.

Except for Childe being an absolute idiot. I sighed as I put down my phone and turned on the TV. I was watching an anime as I then heard my Ei come in. "What is it?" I asked, pausing the show. "Me and mom are gonna go the grocery store, do you need anything?"  She asked and I shook my head.

Ei nodded and left the room as I resumed watching. It was 1 AM as my phone then buzzed as I groggily rolled over to my nightstand and hung up. A few seconds later, my phone buzzed again.

"Ugh, who the hell is it?" I groaned as I grabbed my phone and put it against my ear. "Hello?" I answered. "Oh, is this a bad time?" It was Heizou.

"I'll call later if you wa-" I cut him off.

"NO NO, IT'S FINE!" I whisper yelled as Heizou went silent for a moment. "Haha! I was just teasing you, Scara." I let out a small groan. "It sounds like you just took a nap." He said.

"No, I'm still awake. Ei and Mona are asleep." I replied. "Your voice is deeper than usual, so I thought you were asleep." He said, letting out a small laugh.

I let out a sigh. God I don't wanna deal with this guy's bullshit. "Anyways, what do you want." I asked, annoyed. "Oh I just wanted to tell you that I miss you." Are you fucking kidding me right now? This man called me at 1 in the fucking morning to tell me THAT? When he could've just done it in person?

"Are you being foreal right now?" I asked and he let out an "Mhm" in response. "So you called me at 1 in the FUCKING GODDAMN MORNING, just to tell me that you miss me?" I said, sarcastically and felt annoyed.

"Yep! I know that you love me too, Scara." He laughed at me. I then let out a sarcastic laugh as I then hung up on him. "Fucking bitch." I muttered through my teeth as I then turned off the Tv and placed my phone on it's charger.

I turned off the lamp and went to sleep.

the next day...

I groggily walked to the school enterance to be greeted by one of my friends, Xiao. We walked into the building together and went to our shoe lockers. "Dude, what happened? You look like you haven't slept in 3 weeks."

"H-" I was cut off by a familiar voice. "Good morning guys!" Awh shit, speak of the devil. "Good morning, Scara." Heizou said as he gave me a bright smile. I just gave him a strong death glare in response. "Huh. Now I know why." Xiao said. "Huh? What happened?" Heizou asked. Xiao pinched the bridge of his nose and sighed. "God, you're so stupid, Shikanoin Heizou."

"I'm assuming that you were busy blowing up Scara's phone in the middle of the night, making him not being able to sleep, and that results him looking like he hasn't slept in 3-4 weeks." Xiao explained. Heizou just stood there in complete shock as he shook me by my shoulders.  "SCARAAAAA WHY DIDN'T YOU TELL ME!?"

He yelled out with worry in his voice. "Good lord." I muttered as I hugged him. "Ew. Get a goddamn room you two. I'm going to class." Xiao scoffed as he walked away.

"Hater." Heizou laughed. I softly smiled as well as I brought his head to my level and kissed his cheek. "Shall we head to class?" I asked as he suddenly just looked away.

"E- EH?? HEIZOU?" I was honestly worried.

Heizou's gaze looked towards me as he went flustered. "S- So cute..." I heard him mutter. I go red as well but I then grab his hand and drag him to class.

"OIIIII! Why are you two lovebirds late!?" I heard Hu Tao yell which made my ears bleed. "Can she stop yelling for archon's sake?" I muttered to myself.

I then sat down at my seat and Heizou sat next to me. "Soooo~ what's going on?" Hu Tao said as she stood in between us. "I NEED ALL THE JUICY GOSSI- WAH!" Yamate had dragged her away. "Goodbye. C'mon Hu Tao, we have class." I couldn't hear what Hu Tao was saying since her words were muffled.

But she was mad thats for sure. I put in my ear buds in as I wait for the class to start. "I'LL BE BACK SCARA!" I hear Hu Tao yell from afar. Jesus christ. I turn the volume up as I lay back in my chair. It's been like an hour or two and the teacher still isn't here. What the actual fuck? Where is she?

I then look at Heizou who was laying his head down and was sleeping peacefully. He looks so cute honestly. I then slap both of my cheeks. SNAP OUT OF IT SCARA!

My eyes then avert back to him. "He looks so fucking cute..." I mutter as I bury my face in my hands. What on Earth am I thinking...? Control yourself, goddamnit.

I turn my head back to the window but stared at him again. What if I just-

I put a hand on his head and started to stroke his hair. He looks so freakin' cute and peaceful when he sleeps.

I kept stroking his head as I then felt him move. "Heizou?" I then saw that his eyes were opening.


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