Chapter 2

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"Yes... Okay I'll do that... Bye, love you too." I say and hang up.

I've been talking with aunt Laura for more than a hour.

She was telling me of how her day at work was, while I give her the full detail of how my day went by.

She tells me that she's very happy for me. But I can sense that she's a bit upset.

I never thought I would have this much of an effect on her.

I guess she's going to be like this for a while.

As I get to the kitchen I find mum is already here preparing breakfast.

She's standing by the stove, flipping pancake.

The table is already set with a bottle of maple syrup, scramble eggs, toast, jam, and a cart of both milk and orange juice.

"Ah look who's up early, Good morning sweetie." 

"Good morning, are yougoing to work early today?" I ask as I notice she's already dressed in her uniform.

"Yes. It's kind of like an emergency today."

She turns the fire off and take the pancake with her to the table.

I follow her and sit across from her.

"What kind of emergency?" I ask before spreading a spoon of jam on my toast.

She shrugs."Just regular check ups on some stuffs."


"And by the way the house been sold yesterday." she says and take sip from her coffee.


"Yes, the owners I think are moving in soon."

"That's great, can't wait to meet them." I say excitedly.

Fifteen minutes pass by before we finished our breakfast, and then mum gets ready to leave.

"Isn't the library near the station?" I ask as she nears the door.

"Yes, why do you ask?"

"I just want to go there, can you drop me?"

"Sure." she agrees. "But hurry up, I don't want to get late."

"Okay. I'll be back in a few." I say before rushing up to my room to get both my purse and phone.

* * * * * *

"You know the way back home right?" she asks as we reach the library.

"Yeah I do." I say, hopping out of the car. "I haven't forgotten that much. Besides it's not that far away." I reason.

As I begin to leave, she calls out to me and tell me the directions anyway. Just to be sure.

I listen to her before waving her off.


Due to it's still early in the morning, I find the library empty. Only few people are here.

Each of them silently doing their work.

"Hello." A voice speaks from behind.

I turn around only to be met by the librarian.

She must be in her late forties. Dressed in a long, light blue dress and a white sweater from the top. A pearl necklace occuypies her neck and her hair pulled back into a neat ponytail.

"Can I help you with anything?" she asks, fixing her glasses.

"Err yes," Tucking a loose strand of hair behind my ear, I step forward. "Can you tell me where I can find the school brochures?" I ask.

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