53. Ambush

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" Urfff!!!! Ahhh!!! Why is it really unbearable today... ??!!! Goddddd! I'm being so annoying... Now hyung is gonna hate me..." Tae said strained...

" No baby you aren't annoying... and I won't hate you for anything....May be the severe cramp is because of the climate change or food style... Give it two days you will be ok... I'll ask Dani to swap room tomorrow... I'll take care of you... Actually I'm happy that I can be able to help you with this... "

" Hyung!!! Your warm hands are soothing.... But I need something more... It's getting unbearable... You sleep hyung... I'll be back... " Tae struggled to get up...

" Where to?? No baby... You rest... I'll bring what you need... Tell me.. "

" I want painkillers.. It's with eomma... Need to get it from him.. "

" Jiminie??!! Now??!! Won't he be sleeping?! " Kool hesitantly said..

" Yeah!! But I want it... I don't think I can sleep without it.. " Tae said...

" Koo... !!  I saw Yoongi hyung going upstairs to Jiminie's room.. Call Jiminie... Ask him to keep the tablets ready... I'll go get it.. I don't want to ambush them... "

" What?! Appa in eomma's room?? How dare he?! "

" Appas are supposed to be with eommas... That's universal rule... You made him your appa now he is with my Jiminie.... Doing God knows what!!!  Make up your mind Yas baby.. Like I did..." Kook said in whining tone..

" Nope!!! I'm not in for this... Let them marry first... Eomma will not be comfortable with another man in his room... Are you sure??!! They are together?! "

" I'm not sure... But his naughty smirk when he answered me denotes only one thing... He was heading to your mom's room... "

" Yoongiyaaaaa!!! " Tae screamed holding his stomach..

" You know what... I'll scare them a little... Where is the fun otherwise??!! "
Before some minutes..

Yoongi knocked Jimin's door, Jimin heard the door knocking sound and thought Koo came there to get cramp medicine. Jimin told Tae that if pain gets unbearable he can send Dani to get medicine. So Jimin gets the door...

" Hey!! " Yoongi said...

" Yoongi??!! What are you doing here at this time?! "

" You promised me a night.... I just get to know your room mate is not coming home tonight.. So... "

" So???!! We are doing this one night challenge here?? In this house???!! No Yoongi... Not today...  "

" Why?? Are you afraid you will fall for me in one night?? Are you afraid of loosing your control with me?! I thought you don't have any attraction towards me Or any man"

" That's true... But that doesn't mean..... Ahhhh whatever get inside before anyone notice you... "

" Good!! "

" Yoongi!! Please take the couch space.. I don't think I can share bed with a man.. I'm not used to it... " Jimin said and went to his bed to sleep...

" Everything needs a start.... Get used to it  Mini... I want to talk with you all night... Can't do that from couch...Thanks to your  strong mind.. It won't have any dirty thoughts so... What's wrong... ?! i won't touch you without your permission "

" Ufffff!! Whatever.... " Jimin said and rolled to one corner in the queen size bed to give Yoongi ample space beside him. Yoongi gets himself inside the big duvet

 Yoongi gets himself inside the big duvet

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