Chapter Six

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A few days passed without incident for Luna and Eclipse. They avoided each other fairly easily, but thoughts of one another constantly plagued them throughout every moment of every day. They weren't sure what they wanted anymore; being alone was all they knew.
Yet the fond memories of pack life made them want that feeling again. The feelings of unity, safety, and consistency were just too good to pass up if there was even the slightest chance to have them again.

Eclipse stalked forward towards a young rabbit, his ears forward and his body poised. Suddenly he burst out of the brush and grabbed the rabbit before it even had the chance to run. It squirmed in his jaws but soon it was all over. Eclipse put it on the ground with his jaws still around it and put his paw on top of its side. He pressed down with his paw and turned his head to the side in one quick, precise motion. The rabbit's spine snapped and it went limp in his grasp.
Eclipse started to dig into the warm meal when a thought came into his mind.
Maybe I should share this with Luna.
He wasn't sure why he had that thought and he wasn't sure what he was doing but he lifted his muzzle from his kill and looked up at the trees.
Then he let out a short howl that echoed through the air and carried throughout the forest around him.

Luna was dozing off on a boulder when she heard the noise. It sounded so familiar yet so foreign as it drilled its way into her ears. She just knew it had to be Eclipse.
Should I go?
Then the howl ended as quickly as it had begun and something inside of her urged her to run to him. She just couldn't help herself anymore. She leaped off of the boulder and ran to him.

Eclipse stopped howling and listened earnestly for a reply. The silence deafened him and disappointment rushed through him in one swift wave.
She doesn't care about me. She's just another lone wolf.
Eclipse lowered his head and looked back down at the dead rabbit.
I guess I'll be eating alone, then.
He began to tear into the warm flesh when suddenly he heard a rustle in the brush nearby. He lifted his bloody muzzle and bared his bloodstained teeth at the intruder. Then he caught her scent and he nearly howled with joy.

Luna caught sight of Eclipse right after she smelled him. His daunting figure was poised as he stared at where she was. His teeth were fully exposed to her when all of a sudden he seemed to relax, his teeth slowly disappearing back behind his muzzle and his muscles quivering back into their normal state.
She stepped out right in front of him, completely vulnerable to an attack.
He eyed her carefully. Then he smiled, his expression turning from skeptical to joyful in an instant.
"Hey," she growled.
They stood there for a moment, their eyes locked yet again.
Then Luna broke his gaze and glanced at the rabbit at his feet.
"So this is why you called?" she asked.
"Yes, actually. I figured that you might want something to eat."
He nudged the rabbit carcass over towards her and she looked back at him gratefully.
"You really don't need to-"
"I want to."
She smiled and looked down at her paws.
"Thank you."
He smiled back at her.
"You're welcome. It's no big deal to share it with you."
She laughed quietly and lowered her head to dig into the rabbit.
She ate about half when Eclipse lowered his head to eat the other half. She jerked back and Eclipse looked up at her, confusion clear on his face.
There was just something about another creature being that close. The last time anyone was close like that...
She shook her head and grinned nervously back at him.
"I'm sorry. I just... I'm not..."
"You're not used to anyone being around you. I know how you feel because I'm the same way. Being alone really takes a toll on who you are, both inside and out."
Luna nodded and Eclipse continued to eat the rabbit.
She watched his muscles as he tore at the carcass. Every ripple and recoil fascinated her and her eyes moved up and down his body.
Then she realized that he was staring at her, too, and she immediately looked away.
"I should probably leave now. Thank you for the meat."
She started to walk back into the forest.
She turned back around to see him leaning towards her, ready to sprint after her if necessary.
Eclipse looked at his paws and smirked.
"Nothing, I guess. I just liked having your company, that's all."
Luna's mouth twitched up at the corners and she turned back to the forest.
"Don't worry. I'm sure we'll run into each other again."
Then she ran into the forest, leaving him with a toothy grin on his face.

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