Chapter 13

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The afternoon came and the accident where the female lead would hurt herself was getting closer by the second. But I wouldn't be able to see it because I was at the swimming pools with Orange and the others. I was really glad to be with them but I couldn't focus because of a tiny detail. If Alastair was supposed to save Astéria, then what was he doing here at the swimming pools too? Astéria told me that her plans changed and she didn't want to impress Alastair anymore (if she wasn't lying) but then who was going to save her when she would fall? Would she still fall? I had no idea but if she did and no one caught her, she could get severely hurt.

Seeing me all anxious, Orange rubbed my shoulder:

"Are you okay?


But I wasn't. I couldn't forget about Astéria and didn't even notice my leg had been shaking. Orange gently pressed down on it to make it stop which finally woke me from my torpor:

"Is Astéria participating in the height jumping competition?"

Orange as well as my friends seemed surprised by my sudden question:

"Why are you asking this?

-I am just curious."

Azore shrugged saying that she had no idea but Iris was more informed:

"One of my friends did height jumping too and she said Astéria was one of the first to pass.

-Oh, really? How did things go?

-Everything went fine. You know how terribly perfect she is."

I frowned and whispered:

"I thought she was scared of heights..."

I didn't intend anyone to hear and just talked to myself not even sure that what I said was true or not. But Iris heard what I said and laughed thinking this was really funny:

"What? She is scared of heights? The cold princess is scared of heights? That's so funny. I can't wait for the whole school to hear about this. She doesn't seem so scary anymore."

I frowned. I didn't like the way Iris talked about this. People had phobias and that was completely normal. Why would she use Astéria's phobia against her? This was bullying. And what was worse was that I was the origin of that all:

"You shouldn't tell people about this. I just said something. It's not even true I was just thinking aloud and even if it was, that would be bullying. Leave her alone."

Iris became really red as she said:

"Why can't you stop defending her?"

I tilted my head:


-You can't stop defending her and never say a bad word no matter what she does. You didn't even take my side when she told me to stop talking during class.

-I am sorry if you felt wronged but she was bothered by your talking and told you about it. I didn't see anything wrong about that.

-You didn't see anything wrong? You are blind. What is so wrong with a small revenge? She was mean to me and now I am fighting back.

-That's not fighting back. That's starting rumors and that's bullying.

-What are rumors to her anyway? She is on a high horse and looks down on everyone. A small rumor would do her good.

-How can you say that? Leave her alone.

-Don't tell me what to do! You are just as bad as her."

Iris wanted to say more but something behind me made her stop. I didn't know what it was because the only person behind me was Orange. Iris got up still angry:

[GL] I tamed the female leadWhere stories live. Discover now