Shopping for a dress

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*******one week later*******
Ellie's P.O.V
So today Eleanor and perrie are going to take me shopping for a dress because we're gonna be on a red carpet. I'm so exited!!!!
Anyway this past week nothing special happened me and spence surprisingly didn't get a lot of hate,we get hate just not a lot.
I just woke up So I took a shower put my undergarments on then my washed studded jean shorts my orange croptop that has the word free on and my grey converse put on my accessorise then my normal makeup put my hair in a bun and took my phone the guys are gonna take spence to Find something to Wear.
I Had breakfast said bye to the guys then went to Eleanor's car they were waiting outside we went and we looked in all the shops that sell dresses but I couldn't find a dress there was one last shop so we went in there And looked around I was looking then I gasped and the girls came and did the same.
I think I just found my dress.
Then we went back home painted our nail I painted mine black talked a bit then they had to Leave and I was officially home alone the guys were
Still out I sat in the living room watching T.V when my phone started ringing it was sky.
"Hiiiiiii" she said cheerfully
"Well someone's happy" I said
"I am I met the cutest boy ever" she said and we both squealed.
"Oh my god tell me" I said
"Ok so I was walking to Starbucks and I bump into him and we said sorry and we talked and we went to Starbucks together and he asked me out"i squealed again.but I remembered our over protective brothers.
"Do the boys know??"i asked
"" She said then sighed.
"It's alright sky we'll tell them together yeah?" I said
"So....what's his name?"
"His name is joe and he has a twin brother he said that they're not identical and that he's single and ready to mingle"she said
"I don't know sky he's a complete stranger"i said
"Just think about it ok?"
"Ok i gotta go I think I'm gonna go on a walk wait do you have his
Phone number?"
"Yeah why?" She said/asked
"Well then call him and meet me at Starbucks I want to Meet him"
"Ok bye" she said
"Bye" I said and hung up. I was still dresses so I took some money and my skateboard and texted the guys and left. I decided to walk halfway through my walk to Starbucks I bumped into someone.
"Sorry" we both said and looked up and I saw the most cute guy ever he had brown hair and bluey greeny eyes and dimples. he smiled at me and I smiled back.
"Hi" he said
"Hi"i said back
"What's your name?" He asked
"I'm Ellie,what's yours?"
"Elliot"he said
"Would You like to join me Elliot I'm going to Starbucks"
"Yeah sure" we talked on the way there and he's really nice and laid back. we went to Starbucks and found sky with a guy who I'm guessing is joe he had brown hair and green eyes. He looked up.
"Elliot?" He said
"Joe?"elliot said
"You guys know each other" I asked
"He's my twin" they said together.
we went and sat down I sat across from sky and Elliot across from joe.
And we talked and got To Know Each other and they're really nice guys and I think that I like Elliot but I can't be too Sure we just met today.
we Exchanged numbers. And decided to Meet tomorrow and have lunch together at NANDO'S.
So I went home and the guys were
There I said hi and asked spence to come with me.
"Sup Ellie?" He asked
"Ok spence imagine that right now you're not my brother you're my best friend that is not overprotective and will actually give the thing that I'm about to talk about a chance ok?" He nodded.
"Ok so I met a guy and I like him and he's super nice and I want you to meet him and give him a chance ok?"
"Okay fine" he said I squealed and hugged him.he chuckled but hugged me back. so we basically cuddled and I fell asleep.


Ok so i know it's short and I'm sorry but hope you liked it.

-lots of love❤️🙊😘🙈😊

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