Chapter 37: Years of Love

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Dressed in dry clothing, Harry rushed through the crowd. The sun had risen again. Wednesday had been required to leave him, in order to play with the Jericho high band. An underlying feeling of exhaustion was present on Harry as he looked for a seat. He was feeling a bit weak and hoped to find a decent seat to watch the statue ceremony. Not a good seat in terms of seeing the statue, but in order to see Wednesday play her cello. Something Weems was forcing her to do. What seemed to be the only way Wednesday knew how to express even the smallest percentage of emotion.

Harry sat down where he could see Wednesday's face. He was a little nervous that this event would be boring, something that would put him to sleep in his tired state. Wednesday, however, was one for dramatics. She would never let her precious Harry suffer boredom. Even if that had not been the initial cause for such an idea.

The cool metal of the bleachers made Harry's sensitive thighs cold through his skirt. He looked at those around him, recognizing very few it did not matter that he attended school daily with those around him, he was not the most sociable.

Of course he recognized Xavier, and Kent was close by. Xavier's eyes were trained on him, causing a heat to rise in his cheeks. For the first time he was not sure if he liked the attention. Harry felt an odd irritation in his belly. A dull headache was present in his head. Maybe the rain from earlier was getting him sick. The tiny boy, after all, had never had a particularly strong immune system.

Harry felt a bit lost in thought when a larger body say beside him. He turned his head to see the larger human. To his surprise it was not necessarily a human, it was a siren. Beside him sat Bianca, her bright blue eyes looking down at his beautiful green eyes.

"Hi?" Harry's softly whispered to Bianca. He was more than a little bit confused about why she would sit beside him.

"Hello," the girl spoke in an oddly sincere tone. "Are you sitting alone?" Harry blushed and looked side to side, he was. Being close to this siren placed an odd feeling in his stomach.

"I guess so," Harry muttered with a pink blush. He glanced over to Wednesday and realized that she was not looking his way. Harry felt a bit anxious.

"Can I sit here than?" Bianca asked in a bit of a light tone. As of to joke a bit, but not the type that would make fun of Harry. Harry fiddled with his sleeve and nodded.

Before he could verbally answer, the Mayor began to speak, "It is my honor to celebrate our town's history and Jericho's noble forefather, Joseph Crackstone ..."

The mayor's voice went on as Harry sat feeling awkward. Bianca did not speak to him, but always had at least one eye on him.

Harry wondered why the girl was even near him. Bianca had never been particularly nice to him, and she seemed to despise Wednesday. Was it so e trick? Would Bianca try to hurt him in some way? Would she make fun of him? What were her motives? It seemed to far fetched that she simply saw him sitting alone. It felt to wild to imagine that she did not want him to feel alone. But was that the truth, did she so play care for him? But she did not know him, why would she care for him?

Once again, Harry was startled. The band dressed in a gaudy red began to play their song, Wednesday began to play. It felt that then, things fell into a domino affect.

Music played for a minute. The Mayor and Weems faced the bronze statue. Wednesday played. A big smile was present on the mayor's face. He pressed a button. A clear liquid spouted out of the statue. The fountain filled. Wednesday played. Thing lit a match. Sparks crawled across the crown. Fire touched the fountain's liquid. An explosive reaction occurred as fire touched the liquid. Wednesday played.

Screams fell through the air. Harry screamed in surprise. Jumping back in his seat. Falling towards Bianca, who kept him from falling to the ground. Wednesday played.

People began to run. Wednesday began changing 5hr tone of the song she played. Bianca pulled at Harry, trying to get him to stand. Harry's damaged wrist hit the bleachers at the jerking motion.

"Come on!" Bianca told him. In a rush she picked up his light weight. Harry seemed frozen. Was he scared? Not really, but something was changing. Something in his body was feeling different. As soon as the explosion went off the change occured. His eyes rolling back as Bianca carried him away from what she viewed as a dangerous situation.

Wednesday continued to play the cello as chaos continued. Weems spotted her, hidden behind a truck she felt a feeling of anger. The sheriff looked up on her, a look in his blue eyes. Wednesday simply played her instrument, and Harry's eyes stayed closed.

Bronze melted. The face of Crackstone melted and slipped down. The music never stopped, so e could sense the passion in their panic. It was odd to think a girl like Wednesday could express passion in any way at all.

Sirens wailed. A siren held onto Harry as Xavier rushed over, Kent close behind. Their worry for Harry very present on the expressions of their face. What a day of such fulfilling events.


I am I credit sorry for the wait I have caused you guys. A lot has been going on. Finally, I had time so here you are.

Please let me know what you think of this chapter!

Comments would be greatly appreciated, I need some help with motivation!

What do you think of Bianca's odd behavior?

Poison Me I Beg You - A Harry Potter x Wednesday Crossover Where stories live. Discover now