15. How About Now.

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"Call the cops." Jackson insists causing me to lift my head from Stiles chest and gulp. I had been waiting for one of them to say this, it was the obvious next stop but they had no clue how wrong it would be. Stiles was right this alpha could take them down, it could kill them all and us.

"No," Stiles is quick to say.

"What do you mean no!" Jackson yells right back, bewildered.

"I mean no! What do you want to hear it in Spanish! No!" He sasses right back, I roll my eyes of course he would use sarcasm in our moment of near death," look Derek killed 3 people okay we don't know what he's armed with.

"Your dad is armed with an entire sheriffs' department call him! Imelda get him to do it!" Jackson orders me, flailing his arms in despair.

"You're not seeing reason Jackson! You don't know what it's been like for the last couple of hours for us!" I growl right back and stay quiet, earning narrowed eyes from all 3 of them. I just shrugged it off, although Allison looked even angrier then the other two which I found slightly odd.

"I'm calling!" Lydia finally gives up, giving me an apologetic look before moving around.

"No Lydia would you just hold on a sec-" Stiles tried to move near her but Jackson shaved him away.

"Hey!" Both Scott and I yell at him, I shoving his hands away from Stiles and then once again yelling at Jackass," get your hands off him!"

"Yes we are at Beacon Hills High School! We are trapped and we need someone too... but," Lydia is constantly cut off and I roll my eyes knowing that would somehow happen. This ain't going to be easy to get out of," she hung up on me."

"The police hung up on you?" Allison asks in disbelief.

"They said they had a tip warning them there would be prank warning them of break ins at the high school!" Lydia details us and I just look at Stiles, both of us sharing a knowing look," she said if I called again they would trace it and have me arrested."

"Okay then call again!" Allison yells at her, I narrow my eyes at the pale brunette.

"They won't trace a cell! They'll send a car to your house before they send anyone here!" Stiles stops them.

"What is this!" Allison yells out loud, clearly fed up with the situation," why does Derek want to kill us? Why is he killing anyone?"

The 3 unknowing people glance at Scott, hoping to get an answer. Stiles and I do too, Scott started this whole Derek thing, he was on his own to explain.

"Why is everyone looking at me!" Scott yells out.

"Is he the one that sent her the text?" Lydia asks, referring to the one Allison had supposedly received from Scott earlier.

"No... I mean I don't know!" Scott tries to answer.

"Is he the one that called the police?" Allison continues to question.

"I don't know!" Scott finally yells at her angrily, earning a disappointed and sad glare from Allison. Although I was extremely pissed at Scott right now there was no need for this inquisition from Allison, I get that she was scared but so were we. Acting frantic and yelling wasn't helping any of us.

I rolled my eyes and murmur ," alright why don't we ease back in the throttle here yeah?"

Grabbing fistfuls of Scott and Stiles shirts I pulled them away from Team Despair.

"Okay first off throwing Derek under the bus, I could kill you right now! Or better yet throw out there for the alpha to find!" I silently yelled at Scott.

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