Part 27

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Izuku looked up at the towering villain in front of him, eyes narrowing down to a single point. He was just called shorty. And yeah, he knew he was short, but it's not like he wants to have it brought up all the time! Why was that always the first thing that villains said to him? It was either some insult about his height or calling his greenie or asking if he needed to get back to school. There was nothing creative there at all. If you were going to throw insults, at least put some effort into it.

He leapt in front of where Kota was cowering on the floor, edging himself backwards and increasing the space between the two. The kid was insensible, trembling like a leaf and gasping for air, eyes darting around frantically. He was mumbling something underneath his breath, but Izuku couldn't hear it until he was almost heel to heel with the kid.

"Mom... Dad... no, no, no..." Izuku's eyes flew wide open from their narrowed state, and he really looked at the villain in front of him. He couldn't believe that he hadn't seen this before. He must have been getting sloppy, because the man in front of him was the man who killed the Waterhose duo. When they all got back, he would have to go through his usual schedule of spending at least an hour a day looking through old cases and villain profiles. There was no excuse for this.

"Aw, c'mon kid. You can't seriously think that you're gonna beat me, do ya? You're still a child, and a pretty puny one at that. Give up now and I'll promise to make it hurt less when I kill you."

...Well, that wasn't good negotiating tactics at all.

"Kota, the first chance you get I want you to run down to the main building. Don't stop, and don't look back. Everything is going to be just fine." Izuku didn't risk taking his eyes off of the man in front of him, knees bent and ready to spring forward should he have to. Kota gave a large sniffle in response and mumbled a low 'yes', breathing calming down as he tried to push himself to his feet.

"Hey kid, make sure not to go far. As much as I love to chase down my prey, I've got other things to do tonight and I would hate to waste time chasing down little brats. It's so much more fun to just bash their skulls in." Muscular grinned, and his singular good eye twinked sadistically. It made Izuku sick to his stomach.

He'd held off from addressing the villain directly, but he was starting to see no way around it. This man obviously wanted a fight, and Izuku was buying time so Kota could get as far away as possible without seeing the fight. His students had a therapist on school grounds. Kota did not, though it would probably benefit him greatly.

"Kota, remember what I said. The first chance you get, run." Izuku looked directly into Muscular's eye and took a single step forward, keeping his hands at his side. The police files that were on Muscular said that he could grow muscles that made him physically stronger, sometimes even growing outside of his skin if there were too many of them to be contained inside of his body.

"You are the villain Muscular, correct?"

"Ha! Even little pipsqueaks like you have heard of me, huh? We'll see if I can make the news again tonight, won't we?" Muscular took a threatening step forward, smile growing wider until he realized his opponent hadn't moved back an inch. Frustration bloomed on his face at the refusal to bend to his will.

"I'm going to have to ask you to leave. As I'm sure you-"

"HAHAHAHAHA!!! That's a good one, kid! But to be cracking jokes at a time like this... someone's trying to go out with a bang." Did everything he said revolve around them not being able to beat them or killing them himself? Villains were so repetitive. There's a reason I needed that holiday...

"So you're not going to leave?" Muscular flashed his teeth and cracked his knuckles, chuckling at Izuku. "Very well. Kota, may I suggest you leave now?"

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