{Chapter 12}

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|Chapter 12| A little date|

So Bianca got to have her little fun after all

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So Bianca got to have her little fun after all. I and koa went into my room and just talked. I assume Xalla and Ernesto did the same.

Also, we didn't tell Bianca that the walls were soundproof, we were listening from the door to make fun of her when she revealed herself, and Bain.

Anyways Koa and I went to my room after we came out to make fun of Bianca.

"What's one of your desires in life?". I ask Koa as he runs his fingers through my hair.

"For you to go out with me.". He Mumbled

"What?" I asked, not quite hearing him.

"I said for you to go out on a date with me." He says.

I sit up quickly

"Really!?" I ask

"Yes really," he says with a smile.

I lean over and get really close to his face, pecking his lips.

"So is that a yes?" he asks.

"Let me show you," I say.

I proceed to climb onto his lap and Look deeply into his eyes. I see swirls of emotion, adoration, and happiness.

I lean in, and our lips collide, gently.

His hands entangle themselves in my hair, my hands in his. He moves one of his hands and rests it on my waist gently. He gently bites my bottom lip and we pull apart.

"Do you have your answer now?". I ask resting both of my arms on his shoulders.

"Nah, I mean I could use one more." He says with a smirk.

I peck him constantly telling him that I would go out with him.

Suddenly we hear a loud scream, I hop off Koa, and grab my pepper spray before opening the door.

I walk out fully and head to the living room to see Xalla screaming.

"Girl why the fuck are you screaming!?" I ask trying to silence her.

"You and Koa are finally going out!". She then Gets up and runs around.

She screams " Koa and Venus sitting in a tree K-I-S-S-I-N-G!" and just continued the song until Ernesto caught her and made her sit down.

"But baby." she dragged out as he forced her into his lap.

"Nope sit your cute ass here and calm the fuck down," he says.

Xalla rolls her eyes...

Ladies and Gentlemen Xalla has gotten what we call an attitude...

She sat there looking annoyed the whole time.

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