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Next day, Haru pov
I opened my eyes just to be met by the blinding light of the sun coming trough the window. I sat up a little and looked around. I saw Niki sleeping beside me and the others on the other beds.. what happened? "You woke up!", I turned to my side and Niki hugged me. I chuckled weakly and he pecked my lips. "Haru! You're finally awake!", I turned around and saw Vivi and the others running to my bed and they all hugged me. Then Madame Pomfrey came in. "Oh, Haru, sweetheart, you woke up. How are you feeling?", I smiled "Better Madame Pomfrey, thank you.", she smiled and gave me some medicines "Take this for at least four days and you'll feel better. For now you can go, then next week I'll check on you to see how are you doing, okay? Your body took a little shock from that event, so it's normal if for now your legs hurts, you collapsed few times and stayed seated for too long. So don't worry about it, it'll eventually go.", she said smiling warmly and I thanked her. Niki helped me got up but as soon as my feet touched the ground I felt my legs weak and Niki immediately took me in bridal style to prevent me from falling. We went outside the infirmary and we went to the dorms. When I saw in which state my room was tears started forming in my eyes. There was a photo of me and Niki on the ground and the frame of glass broken around it. My bed was messy and my phone was on the floor along with some tissues that I used when I was crying yesterday... "Shhh, it's all finished now", said Niki kissing my forehead. I nodded, still looking at the mess and after Vivi did my bed Niki laid me on it and he sat next to me. The others understood and after giving me a quick hug they left me and Niki alone. After they were gone Niki kneeled down and took the photo. "How did you have this?", he asked smiling. "Do you remember the photo that Vivi took of us the first time I got here and we went to take the Butter Beer in Watford?", he nodded. "Well, I printed it and put it in that frame over there... but it's broken now and I don't know where to put this...". He looked at the photo and then at me. "I have an idea, wait here", he pecked my lips and ran outside the room. I waited for him for about two minutes and he came back holding something behind his back. "Close you eyes", he says smiling like a little kid. I did as he said and closed my eyes. "Okay, now open them". I opened my eyes and I saw our photo in a beautiful frame. "Oh my god Niki! It's so beautiful!", I smiled and he kissed me.
Meanwhile Elly pov
I got up and got changed. Today I need to go to the library to get my and Haru's book... since she's not feeling well, I'm going. But before I could go out I went to check on her. I knocked on the door and she answered, along with Niki. "This two are really something", I thought to myself smiling. "Come in!", I went inside and saw them hugging together on her bad. Okay maybe a bad timing... well, I'm already here, so I really don't mind. "Well first I wanted to check on you Haru... how are you feeling?", "A lot better, thank you Elly", she said smiling. "That's good! Also I wanted to tell you that I'm going to take our books in the library.. what was yours again?", I asked. "Oh, Twilight, the second book.", I smiled and nodded. "Perfect! Well I'm going now, see you later love birds", and I went outside while laughing while the two of them just stayed there blushing. I went to Watford and straight to the library. Today is Saturday, so we don't have any lesson and I asked to the teachers if I could come here and they all agreed. I arrived inside the library and saw no one. I rolled my eyes. This isn't the first time the librarian isn't in time. I waited for about thirty minutes when finally he came. "Oh, hello m'lady, how can I help you?", I scoffed. How can he be so calm when it's been thirty minutes?! I tried to stay calm and fake smiled. "I came to get some books... uh, the second book of Twilight for my friend and I think you remember mine.", he nodded and went to take the two books. "Here you are. It's £40.00" I nodded and payed the books. "Thank you", I said coldly but didn't show it. "See you next time, beautiful", he said winking. Eww, I don't even know him! I went back to the Academy trying to forget about him... winking at me.... I gave the book to Haru and then went to read mine in a bed far from where they were, since we're sharing the room. Also Vivi and Y/N are in the same room as us.
Time skip, evening, Y/N Pov
I was talking with Jake and the others in my room, checking also on Haru... it will be difficult for her to heal easily, and the word "lier" will leave a scar that will be hard to forget... she was laying on her bed, cuddling with Niki and I saw that her eyes were slowly closing. "Guys I think we should go to sleep now, it's getting late.", they noticed Haru too and nodded. "We'll see you tomorrow guys then.. Niki if you want you can stay here with her.", said Sunoo. "Okay hyung, see you tomorrow.", Jake and Sunoo left and we got ready for bed. We decided to stay a little further from them to give them space and we drifted to sleep.
Time skip, some weeks later, Haru pov
It's been a week... it's been a week since the guards started following me everywhere. It was tormenting me. What did they want from me after all they did to me... I was in the dormitory, reading a book, when someone bursted in. I looked up and saw the guards. I immediately hid behind the couch but they saw me. "Get up", I couldn't move. "I SAID GET UP!", and he took me from my arm forcefully. "I'm not going to hurt you. I just want to know. Who was that girl who saved you with the three boys and the other two girls?" who he was referring to? Vivi, Elly or Y/N? I was confused. "W-which one?", I asked, my voice shaking. "The taller one.", he said like it was obvious. Vivienne. "Who is she? Or should I ask, what is she? She's clearly not an Angel, nor a Devil. She was too strong to be one of them.", he said. I gulped. I didn't want to tell him. I didn't want to put Vivi in danger.
(Author: sorry if it's short or not very interesting but it's just a little paragraph to connect all the others, nothing more.)

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