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Hi yeah as you can read this might be one of my future story so yeah a little bit of info won't hurt right.........
Y/n- your name you already know it
Your last name will be Larson
N/n- nickname
H/c- hair color
H/l- hair lenght
Y/h- your height
E/c- eye color
S/c- skin color
D/c- dress color
Fd/c- favorite dress color
T-shirt/c- T-shirt color
F/f- favorite food
F/d- favorite dessert
F/t- favorite tea/drink
C/n- company name
P/c- pants/short color
N/c- nightgown color
E/n- enemy name

Violence(also dunno)
Mature content(I dunno ask wattpad)
That's all

(Unknown pov)
It's night time and everyone is sleeping except in the basement.......
MMMMMM!!!  Said the man that got tied in a chair and his mouth was cover with a towel that make it difficult to talk. Oh what was that I can't understand you? Said the girl infront of him then the girl take out the towel on his mouth that let the man talk properly please give me one more chance I will pay you  the man said the girl reach out his face and look at him dead in the eyes which make the man shiver then the girl open her mouth to speak last time I check you tried to run away So how can I trust you you try to run without giving my money back . Please miss l/n I will pay you please jus-BANG sound of the gun that shot the man to death l/n or should I say y/n who's holding a gun that direct to the dead body I'm front of her. The man was dead and bathing with his own blood he got shot the heart.

Y/n look at the body for a second turn around and walk away calling a maid to dispose the body that nobody can see the man she killed has dept to her and yet the man didn't even try to pay even one cent to her the man just try to run away.

Meet y/n one of the richest person in Phillipines but move to the America cause she had a famous company named c/n she's well known for her beauty and richness but other people don't know her darkside she kill whomever get in her way. All tho people see her as an innocent. Tyhey don't know y/n's real color except her maid's and servant who had loyalty to her.............they will do everything for there lady to be happy even though it will make their hands dirty. Because they know what she been through.

Y/n came from at the Larson family and that family was well know to there beauty and power her family was rich and popular because it richness and of course kindness but although behind the camera there true color has show y/n the youngest child of the Larson was threatened badly by her family her family see her as a mistake they always hit her and make her eat some leftovers which make y/n forget

y/n was a cheerful and sweet child and always believe in love but it all vanish when her sibling talk behind her back and her family started to treat her differently it turns out the reason they did it because of jealousy of her beauty and because of her beauty she got all the attention but it stop when her siblings make up a lie that there parents will believe to them which make the sweet girl to turn her self to be a heartless such a sweet child that turn into a person that kill you without hesitate. But because the servant know her backstory they stay loyal to her and do what she ever order to them and y/n only trust them she treat her servant differently she give them home and good payments. Y/n's kindness never leave but she only show the kindness to her servant and do you think she cares for her fans or popularity?. Welp the answer is no she only act like she cares but deep inside she doesn't cause she knows that there are a bunch of plastic that wants attention and she doesn't give a single shit about it..........

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 01, 2023 ⏰

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