(Chapter -10)A familiar person

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Noah looking for Albert and nowhere to be found so there is only one place left.The place that Albert like the most.Finally he found his Beloved under the biggest tree sleeping like a baby who doesn't aware anything.He quietly sit down beside Albert and gently clean the messy hair on the Albert's face.He lies down and facing his angel's sleeping face.

He loves this little angel of his but sometimes he felt like Albert is the bird, when the time comes,he will spread his wings and fly away leaving him behind.He hated that feeling.He never let that kind of thing happened.So he let him enjoy his life under his control but when the times comes he will not hesitate to break his legs and locks up and keep him the rest of his life so Albert can't leave him.He loves this beautiful being Infront of him unconditionally and afraid to lose him.Noah staring Albert's sleeping face possessively.

Albert felt somehow uncomfortable about something .His long eyelashes slowly moves and open his eyes.

"What are you doing"Albert asked with annoying tones.
"I was just admiring my Al's beautiful face"Noah said playfully.
Albert doesn't feel suprise about it anymore because he experienced this many times.He is use to this psychopath pervent staring at him while he was asleep.Still creepy as ever.

Albert try to get away from him by trying to stand up.Before he can Noah grab his waist and make Albert sit down.Before Albert could react his head lie on Albert's thighs.

"I miss you so much Al,you know how much I suffer these two days because I can't see you.I feel like dying"Noah said with childish behaviour while lying on Albert 's thighs.

"Then die"Albert said annoyingly.
"Haha....you are so cold to me.So hurt"Noah said with dejected face.Albert knows he is being mean to him but compare to what this psychopath did to him in past three years,he deserve more than that.

"Oh gosh,Your smell is so nice"Noah sniffing Albert's smell by downing his face in Albert's body and his one hand forcing Albert's back.
Albert feel embarrassed by his comment and and try to roughly push Noah's face away from his body with his hand.
"What the fuck are you doing?"
"Relax,I am not doing anything today Al.but I am not sure if you are continue resisting me "

Noah said with serious expressions and kiss Albert's hand.Albert knows he should not try to resist Noah anymore.
So he stopped pushing Noah.
Noah laughs satisfiedly and hugged Albert tightly and resting his face on Albert's body.

"Tomorrow, I heard you will go to downtown right?"
"How did you know?"
Noah doesn't answer Albert's questions and just smile.
'why do I even care to ask ' Albert thought as he already know that most of the employee in his own house are Noah's people who are watching Albert's every movement under Noah's order.

"I heard there are new brushes arrived in market from Diamond Kingdom,so I want to buy them"
"Let's go together"
Actually Albert thought while Noah was busy with his work,he want to enjoy his alone time but Noah come back earlier than he expected.Well it's not like he camn say no.



Next day,

Two servants cleaning and preparing two horses for their young master and lord Noah.

"Two horses"Noah said with dissatisfied tone.
"Yes for me and you"
"We only need one horse take other one back"Noah demands
"What are you saying ,then what I am going to ride"Albert doesn't understand what Noah doing.
The two servants follow Noah's order and take back the horse leaving Albert in disbelief face.

Albert try to stop the servants but Noah grab his hand.
"Well we are going to ride together so we don't need two horses right?"
Noah said like he doesn't understand why Albert ask like he needed a horse.
Albert is in dumbfounded face.
Then Noah grabbed the black robe and cover Albert's body.
"Now let's go"
"What is this for"
"You are unnecessarily sexy in this outfit so I don't want other dirty creatures to witness this sexiness,"Noah said as his eyes looking at Albert's whole body.

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