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Tommy went to the rest room, Tubbo followed him and waited for him to finish. Tommy walked out the door but was pushed against the wall. " Can I help you Tubbo." Tommy asked kind of freaked out. "Why do you hang out with them and why do you suddenly hang out with Ranboo more." Tubbo hissed. " So, this is what this is about huh?" Tommy said. "Oh Tommy, I remember when you always used to ask me to hang out with you." Tubbo said. " Then you would push me away to go hang with Ranboo, call me annoying and leave, or make fake excuses then go hang out with Ranboo." Tommy said. "I was feeling mad Tommy! You don't know how it feels to have a family!" Tubbo basically yelled. "I don't know how it feels! Out of all people me. I am taking care of two children, have a job, and make my own things, I cook, and I clean all day!" Tommy exclaimed. " Nobody cares about your selfish excuses!" Tubbo yelled. Tommy made a pained look feeling tears form. Tubbo didn't mean to say that he put a hand on his mouth. Tommy shoved Tubbo out the way. "Wait Tommy I didn't mean to say that!" Tubbo Yelled out grabbing Tommy hand, silently begging for Tommy to stay. "Sure, you didn't Tubbo cause you're always the one who goes through the worst." Tommy said before pulling away. Tubbo was going to run after him but was topped by Ranboo. Who was furious clearly. Ranboo grabbed Tubbo by the ear while walking towards their bedroom. "Why'd you let him go!" Tubbo said rubbing his ear. Ranboo slammed the door shut before slowly turning towards Tubbo. Ranboo grabbed Tubbo's shirt suing his other hand to grab Tubbo's face. His sharp long claws piercing on Tubbo's skin. "If that kind of shit comes out of your mouth when you're talking to Tommy, I'm going to make sure you don't have one to speak!" Ranboo spat. "Understand?" Tubbo nodded with wide eyes. "Good I hope we aren't going to have any more problems in the future." Ranboo said dusting off his clothes.                                                                                                                                                                 Tommy walked looking at the dark night sky, it was full moon. Tommy sat down on the snow; the snow melted as if tommy was extremely warm, as warm as the sun, while being as beautiful as the sun. Tommy felt a beautiful blue buttery fly on his nose, that's what happens when you have died many times, you're basically a corpse "Mama, can you sing me a song?" Clemintine asked while Shroud was behind her. Tommy wrapped his arms around them keeping them warm. "If touch a burning candle I can feel no pain, in the ice or in the sun its all the same." Tommy began. "Yet I feel my heart is breaking. Though it doesn't rise its aching." Tommy sang with his hands on each of his children's heart. "And the pain here that I feel tries to tell me it's not real, I know that I am selfish." Tommy sang as tears stream down his face like a waterfall. "Yet is seems that I still have some tears to shed." Tommy sang for one last time before humming the rhythm. More butterflies had come surrounding Tommy, Shroud and Clemintine. Tommy picked them up coming inside so they can go to bed. The butterflies followed in the house. The view and the beau.  Can catch anyone eyes. It was addictive.

January 31, 2023, Tuesday

words: 591.

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