Coming up with a plan

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Jake POV

We can't just leave her there' Tuk cried. Neteyem rubbed her shoulders.

' we don't even know where there is.' Lo'aK pointed out.

' You said Payakan followed them there.' I asked Lo'aK.

' Yeah but only so far he said he couldn't go beyond a certain point.' Lo'aK explained.

' ok we'll then that's a start go to him and see if he can give you more details.' I said. I looked at Tsireya who offered her help ' can you watch tuk for a few days.'

' NO!' Tuk cried ' I wanna come with you.'

' No Tuk it's too dangerous but we need to prepare for when they return with her.' Tsireya said walking out of the hut with Tuk.

' Neteyem.'

' Yes sir.' He said.

' Prepare you and your mothers ikran we may or may not need them at some point.' I said, and went over to Neytiri.

' Ma Jake are we sure this is a good idea.' She asked.

' She saved our lives and the villages we owe her this.' I said.

' I understand but taking Neteyem and Lo'aK with you risking our sons.' She hissed,

' look I don't like it either but I will need them and I will need you, I owe her my life because she saved mine,' I said I put two fingers under her chin and lifted her head to look at me, ' I was on that boat when it went up in flames but the flames never touched us then somehow she calmed that storm,
If she has some kind of connection with eywa like Kiri she won't be safe in the hands of the sky people.'

Neytiri nodded, and left the hut, Tonowari stepped inside.

' I will accompany on your journey Jake sully.' He said.

' Tonowari that's not-'

' You cannot do this on your own and neither can your family it is always good to have some help when doing something dangerous as this.' Tonowari says gripping his spear.

' thank you Tonowari.' We walk out and gather on the beach to figure out a plan.

Narrator pov

Neirelye was stuck in a cell with her wrists tied above her to a pole.

An Avatar walked around her in circles with a taser in hand.

' We know you have ability's child you will tell us or we will find out the hard way.' He said to her, She kept a stern look on her face refusing to give in.
He put the taser up to her abdomen and the electric shock just ran through her makeing her grunt.

' Still won't tell us eh.' He pressed a button in the taser turning it up two notches and tasing her again this time making her scream.

' That's enough corporal.' A voice said behind the avatar ' let me have a word with her.'

The avatar that was torturing Neirelye left leaving her with none other than

General Miles Quaritch...

Neirelye's pov

' hi my names—'

' I know who you are demon.' I spat at him.

' Then you know why I'm here.' He said.

' yeh you do not care about me you just want info on the Sully's.' I said.

' On the contrary I do care about you and your ability's because you are going to be my way of getting to the Sullys.' He bent down to me smiling.

I spit in his face.

He frowned and walked out leaving the door open for the avatar here before to come back in with this thick black string like object and swung at me with it.
The sting hurt like hell but the pain that set in after was excruciating I screamed as he whipped me with it about five more times before leaving me hanging in the dark room alone.

' Honey no matter what situation your in no matter how bad the pain hurts no matter how weak or vulnerable you feel never let it shows, they will feed on your fear.' Neirelye's mom told her braiding her hair.

' But mommy why do the sky people want to hurt us so bad.' Neirelye asked

Her mother looked at her ' because they are viscous and cruel self serving beings who care not for the nature or creature of this planet.'

' why can't we live with others like us.'

' Because they do not understand the gifts eywa has given you and they will either try to kill you in belief that you are a demon or use you and your gifts to control and rule over others.'

' but what about the man you always speak of the man from the story's.'

Her mother sighed ' Toruk Makto is a brave man he saved the forest from the sky people he is the only person I trust but he is gone.'

' mommy.'

' Yes sweetie.'

' is there anyone out there who can be my friend.' Neirelye asked.

' Oh sweetie one day when the sky people are gone and the world changes it's heart you might find peace among people, but as long as there are those who crave power and those who are blinded by fear  there will never be anybody who will accept you for you.' She said hugging her daughter close.

As her daughter drifted off to sleep she prayed to eywa that her child would never suffer the way she has and that her child would one day find a place where she could be safe and at peace.

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