Chapter 1/10 ~ Izaya

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Dark fog swept the streets of Ikebukuro that night.

Oozing in every crack and every crevice it could find.

One person walked through the streets at that last hour.

Half past three, with a book in hand.

The girl's (H/C) hair shone in the dim light of a nearby light near the park.

She looked cautiously around, showing clearly she was anxious.

Her chest heaved, a sign that she had ran few minutes prior.

Another figure walked that late at night, his jet black hair slightly messy and his red brown eyes surveying the girl intensely.

"Well, hello there." He said, his voice breathy and seemingly as sweet as syrup.

The girl gasped, spinning around to see him, her hand at her heart.

"Don't scare me like that! We're here for a meeting!" She scolded, her eyes narrowing as he took her hand, guiding her to sit down beside him.

"Oh (Y/N)-Chan, you're so uptight." He joked, his devilish expression leeching onto his face.

(Y/N) rolled her eyes, crossing her arms and looking at him seriously.

"Izaya, I arranged this meeting this night for one purpose, and one purpose only."

"Oh really? And what was that reason?"

"Don't play dumb. You know why." She snapped at him, the breeze starting up.

"Alright, alright, you've caught me. Fine. You're here because you want me to erase your family, Is that right?" Izaya said, sighing and leaning back slightly.

"Yes. I want them off every record. Every device. Every thing." She looked at him, her face deadly grave.

"I can do that. Except I need payment for such a large and complex task..." Izaya said, smirking over at her.

"Fine. What's your price?"

"Well, if you're so eager to, here it is. I want you to hang out with me. As often as possible. And if you do, I'll offer you a job as my assistant. I believe you're currently unemployed, am I right?"

"What?" (Y/N) stood up from the bench, her face looking deadly as she grabbed his shirt collar.

Izaya couldn't help it, he grinned widely, starting to chuckle.

"My assistant left. Also you want your family to be erased don't you? You wouldn't want anything nasty to happen to them, would you?"

She gritted her teeth, narrowing her eyes.

"And what does hanging with you have anything to do with this?"

"Well, It's a bonus for me. Since Shizuo-chan absolutely hates me, and loves you. so naturally, I'd want to annoy him by doing that." He explained.

Her eye twitched as she let go of my shirt.

"Fine. We have a deal. For how long do I have to do this?"

"As long as it takes to erase them." He said, a nasty glint in his eye.

 Izaya lifted her discarded book from the bench, handing it to her.

"Oh and (Y/N), you aren't to tell Shizuo-chan of my plan. It'll ruin the fun." 

and with that, he disappeared into the night, (Y/N)'s yell of fury clearly audible.

Cαυɢнт Iɴвeтweeɴ [Izaya X Reader X Shizuo]حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن