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Shawn POV

"You got a tattoo right in your neck?"this is the fifth time I've asked Georgia this same question,I can't believe it,it was unlike the Georgia I know.this isn't what she would do, especially because she cares a lot about her self and never wanted to ruin her slender neck with a permanent tattoo.

"Oh my gosh babe!"she groans."it's just a tattoo"

"I don't like it"

"I don't give a fuck about your opinions Shawn!"she said rolling her eyes,it has been month since we saw each other because she was in Europe for family vacation, I guess she got the tattoo their."we gotta hurry we don't even meet our friends"she blubs dragging me toward the main building,she has a point actually we didn't meet our friends cuz, busy making out in gym locker room.

Her phone rings,so she stops dragging me and pulls it out of her pocket."okay I'm coming"she hangs the phone up and looked at me."I gotta go"she said and rose on her tip toe to kiss my cheek then rush towards her class.

I head to my next class as well. the first class of my senior year started,I can't believe I only have this year left for college,not that I'm hella excited for college but it's because I'm gonna turn eighteen in a few weeks and be free,free from my father banter,free from them.just free.

"Everyone silent"the teacher's voice carried out through the room reticulatily pulling me from my thoughts."we have a new student joining us today"my eyes swept over the girl standing in front of the smile on her face.she is a kind of tall,slender wearing a casual black jeans and black T-shirt which is strange because people always tend to wear a nice clothes in their first day of school,right?

My phone buzzed in my back pocket,I quickly reach over it and take it out.their are two texts from Georgia.

G:have I told you that I have a volleyball match after school?

G:u r coming right?I need your ass at sharp 5.

Me: I'll come After I drop sis home.

G: okey,love their on time.

Me:why are we even discussing this if we are gonna meet at lunch?

G:I have practice at lunch.

Me:okey have fun.

I heard as Mrs Dania cleared her throat and I immediately looked up from my phone,the new girl is no longer their.where is she?

"Mr William would you please stop texting?" The teacher said her hands on her hips. I'm not really Mrs Dania's favorite student.she hates me I hate her back.

I toss my phone on the desk in frustration still wondering where the new girl is. She isn't in the front seats which means she is in either back corners of the room,turning on to the back just to look at her is a foolish I just sat their as the class goes by.

The bell rings finally for lunch,I sigh in relief as Mr Rogers exist the class, heck! I can't keep up with that guy he is too old to barely hear anything.

"Hey Shawn"I heard Dan call me from across the hall way."hey dude s'up?"

"You coming right?"he has got a candy like usual,he always has candy in his mouth wherever he goes.he thinks that candy gives him a hot vibe,which is so silly.
"Where?" I asked curiously.he groans and pulls the sucker out of his mouth."to the match man,why you always forget that?"oh!

"Georgia will kill you if you forgot the match again"he said,im sure he will come for his girlfriend Lisa,he is after all head over heels for her.and speaking of volleyball,i don't like volleyball at all,I mostly prefer soccer than volleyball,when I say 'prefer' I'm implying that I like watching games not be part of them.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 01, 2023 ⏰

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