Chapter 14 ( Kendall) nightine Chat

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I walked out to the back yard of the Pitts house , to talk to my mom and dad on the phone .
They let me know they was not coming here for Thanksgiving .
It is three weeks away and they know that much in advance they are not coming.

My heart hurts , I was so looking forward to seeing them I miss them so much .

I let the tears fall it is gonna happen even . If I fight it .

I just don't understand why they don't want me there . It is like ever since my brother came to stay they don't want me around .

" Oh I didn't know you was out here" I hear from behinde me
It is Shane

" Hi Shane " I say and wipe my tears and hope he don't notice

I sit down on the pool chairs , that are made for sun tanning so I am actually laying in the chair . It is night so there is no tanning going on .

He sits down in the chair next to me but he is sitting up not laying .

When his bright eyes see mine it is like he can see threw me or read my mind .

" What is wrong" he asks
His voice has concern in it .

" it is silly " I say and try to make light of it

" No you are upset " he says

" Did some boy do something to you " he adds
What is he thinking?

" No Shane my parents had said they was gonna come for Thanksgiving and now they backed out " I tell him

" Oh" he says

I know he don't know what to say how could he .

           " I am sure there is a good reason I mean of course they want to be with you on the holidays every parents does even mine want to be with me and I am a troublemaker ." He says l

        " I don't know it just like Toby walked back into our lives and then they  just shooed me off maybe they can only handle one child ." I say

         " Toby he is your half brother right I never met him " he tells me

        " Yea we only seen him a few times then recently  he started to live with us " I tell him

         " you know your mom and dad can afford to have more than one child y'all are rich " he states

               " Yea but maybe it ain't about money just you know the mental state I don't know I am grasping for
Straws here " I admit

               " Hey next thanksgiving you will be with them but this thanksgiving let's make it a great one " he say with enthusiasm

       " how " I ask and put a piece of my hair behind my ear

                 " I don't know but we will come up with something " he tells me

I laugh

          " you know you are not bad like everyone says you are" I say and smile

            " No I am you know I am the trouble maker " he tells me

I shake my head and laugh.

               " I am really see I have not done as much since you been here " he tells me

           " I don't believe you ever have " I say
His eyes go wide

         " I have slept with girls just get back at their boyfriends " he says

That does sicken me but it not really bad

          " All boys sleep with girls the fact you was getting even with their boyfriend is just a coincidence " I say

           " I got Tim expelled last year" he tells me

       " But why what did he do to you ?" I ask

        " He said he could bench more than me " he says and laughs

            " I set him up so it looked like he cheated on a test " he says

         " He forgave me but honestly I didn't care if he did or not " he adds

This is not like the him I know .or knew .

         " That is really bad , it could hurt his chance of getting into a good school " I tell him

       " Nah his dad got him out of it he did get expelled but only 2 days and. They got it wiped off his record . But I really didn't care , I was mad because I really thought people would believe he could bench more than me ." He says and laughs

That is crazy.
I know I making a strange face because he is looking at me strange .

              " You know I can be good . I just I don't know I do get even a lot " he tells me

             " I broke up with Samantha " he says out of no where , I am sure he said that to change the subject.

        " Really how did she take it " I ask

        " She will survive. But you know she was sad ." He tells me

            " How are you ?"
I ask

                  " What do you mean I am fine I am the one who did the breaking up " he says

         " Yea but it still hurts every break up hurts " I say so matter of factly

       " Did it hurt when you broke up with Andy" he questions

        " You mean Austin , yea it did.  But it was not love or even like like we was like friends " I tell him

           " with benefits " he asks with raised eyebrows

        " we kissed a little " I admit

     " So wait if he was your only boyfriend then that means you are a " he says and begins to laugh so hard he can't finish his sentence but I know what he was gonna say

        " Ok yes I am a virgin " I admit

         "why I know you said you was more like friends but if he was in a relationship with you but not sleeping with you he must be gay " he tells me

" I mean what straight boy could be in a relationship with you and not sleep with you ." He adds
But I don't think he meant to say it

I am a little offended  but I am a little flattered.
        " he is not gay he is a gentleman " I state

        " Nah no way"he says and shake his head

        " So if you wanted to break up with Samantha why did you thank me  by taking me to the bar barn .?" I ask

" Because it would have been a sence " he yells and jumps up

Why is he so mad ?
I just look at him .

" These girls are so dramatic you don't get it I know all teenage girls are but these girls are another level so It was thank you for saving me the horrible scene " he tells me

It don't make sense to me but whatever .

We just sit for a little while before we go to our own rooms

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