Chapter 11- How could you!?

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No ones P.O.V

And It was DAD!? "what the fuck why did you do this and leave me with my mother that Horrible BITCH!? like why did you leave me?" I started breaking down in tears then my father came up to me and cupped my cheek and gave a horrifying 

smile and it looked like he was drunk then Dad spoke up " Honey you look just like your mother and I left because I hated the fuck out of you and your

 mother but you- He was cut off by y/n freeing them self and trying to run to the door but shit it was fucking locked " You really think that I was going 

to let you go?" " what the FUCK DID YOU DO WITH MY DAUGHTER ESTHER!? then your dad looked at you with an anger look 

" YOU HAVE A FUCKING DAUGHTER!?" " no just I feel like a parent ( Or a sibling to the children you choose) then your father gave you a 

horrifying look like he was about to do something but that did not stop Y/n When Y/n Dad came running but he missed and hit the door right open and then that was Y/n chance to run as the fuck they fucking can  

(Meanwhile with the slashers)

Then billy grabbed Esther trying to calm her down " Esther please tell us slowly and calm down your freaking me the hell out. Billy said then Esther

 calm down with tear stains on her face " Okay me and Mom / Dad- I mean Y/n sorry" The boys were shocked because Esther has never seen anybody as a Parent type figure

 or whatever Then Bubba came running out with his Chainsaw then Bo and Vincent came rushing to Bubba trying to calm him 

down " HEY HEY CALM DOWN PUT THE FUCKING CHAINSAW DOWN PLEASE" Then there was a fast knocking

 out the door it was dead silents for a few seconds then there was scream " GUYS ITS ME Y/N LET ME IN QUICK" Then Esther swung open the door

 it was Y/n they were Badly bleeding and cuts everywhere y/n ran up to the guys and hugged them

 as tight that was until they heard a scream saying " Y/N COME BACK YOU FUCKING BITCH YOU WILL PAY!" " HOW COULD YOU FUCKING DO THIS TO ME DAD FUCK YOU!" You yelled out and shut the door before he could get

 in then Stu asked " Did you run all the way here Y/n?" Then Y/n just fainted and fell down and the only thing they saw was when Chucky came rushing to them and the rest of the slashers.

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