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That night, Elody stared at Caville, who had fallen asleep.

When Elody first saw him a week ago, he kept having nightmares. It is a relief to see him sleeping so peacefully nowadays, he didn’t seem to have nightmares plaguing his sleep anymore.

‘Don’t worry, my dear. I’ll happily get rid of your nightmares!’Then, Elody began to think of the things she had to do in her new life.

‘First and foremost, I will raise and feed Caville well before he goes to war.’

She didn’t want to send him, but it was the duty of the Duke of Cernois to join the war at the emperor’s command. She does not have the power to stop the war.

Caville was only 13 years old when he went to war. In the original story, he was abused and wasn’t well-fed, so as a result, his body became very frail.

Fortunately, after years on the battlefield, Caville grew into a wonderful adult.


The thought of sending my baby to war makes me cry. If I have to let him go, I’ll feed him well and raise him with lots of love so that he’ll grow into a strong young man.’

‘Secondly, I will keep the land safe until Caville returns.’

The duke’s estate is very vast and fertile. However, the number of productive people in the dukedom was very small, it was all because of poor governance.

Naturally, the efficiency was bound to fall.

In the original work, Elody ruined the duke’s territory to the point of no return.

Elody threw all kinds of chemical drugs into the lake and forest in the midst of studying magic pills, which resulted in permanent damage to the environment.

Still, the dukedom is open for many prospects as it has not been contaminated yet.

‘Well, first of all, I’ll have to study the magic that will make the land more fertile. It’s better to plant more expensive crops. I’m sure that there are gold coins and jewels hidden somewhere within the estate.’

In the novel, the original Elody found the vault to the hidden gold.

Unfortunately, Elody didn’t know the location. So she’ll have to look it up again, one by one.

Last but not least, I’ll have to research the cure for my incurable disease.’

This was the biggest problem. This was how Elody’s life came to an end.

While trying to poison the princess, she got infected by the disease.

‘I don’t want to die. If possible, I want to live a long and healthy life.’


Elody was still writing on her desk when she suddenly heard Caville’s voice.

The sound surprised her and she quickly headed back to the bed.


Perhaps because he wasn’t properly educated at the orphanage, Caville was still not used to the demeanor of nobles, such as the usage of titles.

Still, Elody answered him gently, “Yes, your sister is here.”

His nightmare stirred him up in the middle of his sleep and he was surprised to see himself in bed. Tears welled up in Caville’s eyes.

Elody hugged his tiny head, Then she gently re-tucked his tousled blanket.

“Now, lie down in my arms. I’ll put you back to sleep.”

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 05, 2023 ⏰

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