Chapter 7: Pawns

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The sun shines bright through the many windows onto General Ironwood, sitting at his desk and carefully signing a stack of papers one by one. A light on his desk flashes as he sighs happily. He taps the light as a small screen pops out, with a static picture of Winter staring at him.

"Sir, it's Schnee." Winter says, as Ironwood smiles, his blue eyes lighting up a bit in the shadow of the shining windows behind him. He'd never admit it out loud, and it's suspected he never would need to, that he truly enjoys Winter's presence as one of his closest friends and ally on top of one of his most trustworthy subordinates.

"Ah, Winter!" Ironwood says, sliding his paperwork to the side as he puts away his pen, "I was just filing some paperwork." He says with a light chuckle, while Winter merely sighs on the other end.

"As much as I'd enjoy bringing you lighter news Sir, it's.... Worse than that. You told me to report in if there were any particular...." Winter chokes up for a moment, clearing her throat, "Sightings." She says as Ironwood's eyes grow wide, his hands clenching against the edge of the desk as his prosthetic arm slightly dents it.

"Winter..." Ironwood says, freezing up slightly as he takes a calming breath, "What.... W-what is it?" He asks.

"We detected a strange signal," Winter starts,"strangely akin to that of CCT broadcasts. We figured it might be some hoodlums trying to make an illegal CCT hot wire, but...." She sighs,"We tracked the signal down, the Ace Ops and I. What we found.... It was a Grimm. And not just one, it seemed to.... Summon allies. We managed to take down the swarm, but.... Sir, Tortuga was critically injured. He was lifelighted to the nearest military compound for attention but he passed away before arrival."

Ironwood slumps back in his chair, taken far aback by all the information Winter just dropped on him. A Grimm broadcasting a signal.... Able to summon more. Tortuga is gone.

"We...." Winter tries to continue,"We have a few photographs of the Grimm, but-"

"Winter." Ironwood says sternly, the Special Operative immediately growing silent. "Does.... Does anyone else know about the specifics of the Grimm?" He asks.

"No Sir. All the information has been kept between the Ace Ops and I, information that Tortuga kept to the end. I have always understood that you wish for situations as these to be kept...." Winter clears her throat,"C-classified."

Ironwood sighs, rubbing his forehead as the metal embedded in it clinks against his prosthetic."Thank you, Winter." Ironwood finally replies,"I.... I have to make a call. I'll get back to you soon... And handle Tortuga with care." I say as Winter huffs.

"Will do, Sir." She says as Ironwood taps the screen, ending the transmission as he slides across the screen past many names and finally landing on one particular name, tapping on it. As it rings he stands up, tucking his arms behind his back and staring out his window, the bright sunny sky now tainted with clouds around... Some of them quite dark, signaling the coming rain. Finally, the call clicks.

"Well," Professor Ozpin starts, "General Ironwood! I certainly wasn't prepared for you to call today. I hope all is well in Atlas?" He says as Ironwood starts to breathe heavily, his brow furrowing.

"She..... She was here." Ironwood starts as Ozpin sighs, taking a sip from his coffee cup.

" Ironwood starts as Ozpin sighs, taking a sip from his coffee cup

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