Chapter 11: Shattered Reflections

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I yawn loudly, rubbing my eyes as I open the door to our dorm room. As I walk in, I pause as I look over at our sleeping nooks. I yawn again, running my hands through my hair as I smile and study the names engraved very small next to each nook.

Jasper Quartz, Ashe Sparks, Percy Cliff and Rowan Everstone.

And right in the center of the names has four big bold letters engraved: JSPR.

It's honestly hard to believe that it's already been a whole semester since we started

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It's honestly hard to believe that it's already been a whole semester since we started... And now we're about to head to the Vytal Festival. We get more and more cohesive every day... And even if the progress is slow, Percy is getting more open and friendly too. And to think even my nightmares have stopped too... I smile wide, rubbing my hand along the engraved JSPR with a smile.

I shake my head, noticing myself getting distracted as I roll my eyes and start looking around for my keys. For some odd reason, Ashe and Rowan have to go see my 'big fancy house' right now. In the middle of the night. Dad's probably gonna get annoyed about late night guests.... And it's extra weird, considering Ashe and Rowan have to be exhausted to, especially after our encounter with-

Robyn Hill.

I have to remember that, how I can say that now. That I've... MET. Robyn Hill. Which was... Something. I thought she was breathtaking already but- Being there? In person? Right in front of her? It's hard to imagine someone so noble... so selfless.... Just.... Existing?

I shake my head again, smacking my forehead. "Dangit! Stop getting distracted!" I yell at myself with a huff as I see a shine in the corner as I turn with a big grin to see my keys on the dresser. I quickly scoop up the keys and turn to leave... But my eyes lock onto my Scroll.

"Oh yeah!" I say, "Forgot I left this here, actually..." I say, sliding the screen open as my eyes widen noticing a massive amount of missed calls from Amethyst.

And isn't long before I realize why. The date.... And I watch as that date ticks over as the clock shifts from 11:59 to 12:00 AM.

I... missed it.


At about 12:10 AM, a crowd had formed outside the Team JSPR dorm room, consisting of the remaining members of Team JSPR and Team BAZL along with Professor Desmond, Professor Borealis, Stephanie Santiago, and lastly striding onto the scene is Winter Schnee.

"What in the world is going on?!" Winter screams over the wind, before angrily groaning and shaking her head as clearly none of them can hear her. She whips out her Scroll and texts Professor Borealis who pulls out her Scroll and sighs with an eye roll.

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